Bowleg: a leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee. 弓形腿:在膝盖处外弯的腿。
The sides of a ship flare from the keel to the deck. bowleg: a leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee. 船壳由龙骨向外弯曲至甲板处。弓形腿:在膝盖处外弯的腿。
Conclusion It is effective that osteotomy in high tibia with internal fixation with staple far treatment of osteoarthritis complicated bowleg. 结论胫骨高位截骨骑缝钉内固定治疗膝内翻型骨性关节炎效果显著。
In MPS ⅵ ( Morquio's syndrome) the main clinic features are: basically normal intelligence and bowleg ( genu varum) deformities associated with joints laxity. MPSⅣ-Morguio的主要临床表现是:智力基本正常,有明显的膝内翻和关节松弛。