Since a shooting war with China could become nuclear, a trade war appears to be the best alternative from the viewpoint of our elected bozos. 由于与中国的战争有可能发展成为核战争,贸易战似乎是从我们的角度选出的最佳替代方案。
You bozos got the wrong guy. 你们两个抓错人了。
You two bozos wanna steal the pick of destiny. 你们两个傻瓜如果要偷宿命拨片。
Siding with the most famous Bozos of international politics. 赞同国际政治中最著名的“傻大个”站在一起。
He gave these bozos the greatest gift in the universe. 他赐给这些笨蛋一样礼物。
That's difficult, Kawasaki said, because aninnovator or entrepreneur must often ignore the advice of naysayers and "bozos" who say it can't be done. 这很难,川崎说道,因为创业者或企业家必须要经常无视反对者的意见,还有宣称不可能的那些“蠢汉”。
We just gotta ask these bozos where the people are. 我们只要问问这些傻瓜人类在哪里。