防波堤 A breakwater is a wooden or stone wall that extends from the shore into the sea and is built in order to protect a harbour or beach from the force of the waves.
He crossed the stones higher up on the beach and went down to the sand, which was easier to walk on, although he had to climb over the breakwaters every few metres. 他越过海滩高处的石头地往下走上一片沙地,沙地好走一些,虽然每走几米就要爬一段防波堤。
The Civil Engineering Department is also responsible for maintaining public marine facilities. It inspects and repairs public marine structures including breakwaters, beacons, piers and seawalls. 土木工程署也负责保养、检查和修葺公众海事设施,包括防波堤、航标、码头和海堤。
The Research on Wave-dissipating and Wave Force Performance of the Special Plate Breakwaters 特种板式防波堤消浪及波压力特性研究
Research on the wave interaction on arc-shaped floating porous breakwaters 圆弧型浮式多孔介质防波堤与波浪相互作用研究
The Civil Engineering Department is responsible for planning, design, and construction of public marine facilities including piers, beacons, breakwaters, seawalls, navigation channels and anchorage areas. 土木工程署负责策划、计和兴建公众海事设施,包括码头、标、波堤、堤、道和船只碇泊处等。
Research of the Influence of the Flow and Tide Eigenvalue in Harbor by the Project of Breakwaters Extension in Tianjin Port 天津港防波堤延伸对港内水流及潮汐特征值影响的研究
Dynamic response of the seabed around breakwaters to waves 波浪作用下防波堤周围海床的动力响应
Research on Scouring and Silting of Seabed in Front of Breakwaters by Waves 波浪作用下堤前冲淤形态的数值模拟研究
Stability Analysis for New Types of Breakwaters on Soft Foundation 软土地基上新型防波堤结构的稳定性分析
Caisson-cylindrical foundation structure is a new type of structure for breakwaters developed successfully in recent years. 箱筒型结构是近年来开发成功的一种新型防波堤基础结构。
Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Pontoon-plates Type Floating Breakwaters 浮箱&水平板式浮防波堤水动力特性研究
Study on the Benefit of Siltation Minimization of Extending the Breakwaters of Tianjin Port 天津新港延长防波堤的减淤效益研究
Studying on Hydrodynamic Characteristics in Water Waves Propagating Over Two Trapezoid Submerged Breakwaters 波浪通过双列梯形潜堤的水动力特性研究
An analytical method has been proposed to deal with the reflection of oblique incident waves by breakwaters that consist of a double-layered perforated wall and an impermeable back wall. 通过匹配开孔板处的边界条件可以求解待定的展开系数,继而求解双层开孔板防波堤结构对斜向波的反射率。
Modeling the Interaction of Solitary Waves and Semi-Circular Breakwaters by Using Unsteady Reynolds Equations Prediction of flow around submarine at different Reynolds numbers with Reynolds stress model 用时变雷诺方程模型模拟孤立波与半圆型防波堤的相互作用用雷诺应力模型预报不同雷诺数下的潜艇绕流
As the first line of defence, communities built sea walls with tsunami gates for river mouths that could be closed when waves approached, as well as offshore breakwaters and raised river dykes. 作为第一道防线,居民们修建了海堤,并在河口处设立水闸(当海啸靠近时,可以关闭水闸);另外还修建了离岸堤,并加高了河堤。
Experimental study on impact pressure of waves on a horizontal plate of T-type breakwaters T型防波堤水平板波浪冲击压强试验研究
Based on the test of the action of oblique random waves on vertical breakwaters, the variation of wave force acting on the unit length of vertical breakwaters with an incident angle was studied. 通过斜向随机波对直立堤作用的试验,研究了作用在直立堤上的单位堤长波浪力随波浪入射角的变化。
For instance, reservoirs, fixed marine structures, breakwaters and retaining walls, which seated in cold regions. 例如,坐落于寒冷地区的水库建筑、海中固定式结构、防波堤和护岸等。
The scours of sand bed in front of vertical breakwaters under the action of broken waves and breaking waves are investigated. 对远破渡、近破波作用下直立式防波堤前海床的冲刷问题进行了研究。
The sliding and overturning stability design methods of caisson breakwaters are classified into three categories of the static design method, the dynamic design method with no sliding and rocking motion allowed and the dynamic design method for controlling sliding distance and rocking angle. 将沉箱式防波堤滑移和倾覆稳定性设计方法分为三类:静力设计方法、不允许沉箱出现滑移和摇摆角的动力设计方法、控制沉箱滑移量和摇摆角的动力设计方法。
A large number of numerical tests are performed on the breakwaters with different porosities and different block radius. 对不同孔隙率、不同块体粒径的抛石防波堤进行了大量的计算。
In this paper, the laboratory study of multi-directional random wave reflection on vertical and sloping breakwaters is presented. 试验研究了多向随机波浪在直立式防波堤和斜坡式防波堤前的反射情况。
Tests are conducted in a wave tank to measure the wave forces on armored parapets of mound breakwaters. 本文通过模型试验对高基床防波堤顶墙前人工块体的防浪掩护作用进行了系统研究。
Wave Overtopping on Seawalls and Breakwaters under Three Dimensional Random Waves 三维不规则波作用下海堤和防波堤的越浪量计算
It provides the basis for defining the extended length of the breakwaters. 从一个侧面为天津新港防波堤延伸长度的确定提供了依据。
Based on the two-dimensional nonlinear Boussinesq equation a two-dimensional mathmatical model of water waves is established on stagger grid by using finite difference method, and this model is verified by the computations of typical breakwaters. 基于二维非线性Boussinesq方程,在交错网格上利用差分法建立了二维水波数学模型,并通过典型防波堤的统射计算,对模型进行了验证。
Characteristics of wave dissipation for pile foundation tier retainer breakwaters are detected by wave experiments. 结合防波堤断面波浪试验,探讨多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪特性。
In practice, caisson breakwaters appear some sliding do not affect its function. 实际上,沉箱出现一定量的滑移并不影响其使用功能。
Vertical breakwater widely used is port projects is an important type of breakwaters. 直立式防波堤是一种重要的防波堤结构形式,在海港工程中应用非常广泛。