Joint acceptance of bribes has three main features: I, crime subject are more than two persons and at least one state functionary, 2, there is joint intention of accepting bribes between every bribee. 其主要特征是:1、犯罪主体为二人以上,并且其中至少一人为国家工作人员。2、几个行为人之间具有受贿的共同故意。
2, there is joint intention of accepting bribes between every bribee. 几个行为人之间具有受贿的共同故意。
On Objective Cause of Constituting Indirect Corruption Crime Chinese criminal law can use the Convention for reference in the aspects of the bribe, the bribee and the stipulate of criminal law. 中国刑法可以在贿赂物的范围、受贿罪的主体、受贿犯罪的罪名设置等方面对《公约》予以借鉴和吸收,以完善中国受贿犯罪的刑事立法。
In the crime of accepting bribe indirectly, the relationship between the duties of the bribee and the third party is the effect of the duty of the bribee on the third party. 在间接受贿犯罪中,受贿人的职务与第三者之间的关系是:受贿人的职务对第三人具有影响力。
On Psychological Characteristics and Investigating Measures to Crime of Bribee in Enterprises 公司、企业人员受贿案件犯罪嫌疑人的心理特征和审讯策略
Second, accordingly, such other State functionary is relatively mentally free in deciding what to do upon the bribee's request. 第二,与此相联系,其他国家工作人员是否依照行为人的要求或请求做出某种行为,在意志上具有相对的自由选择余地。
The normal promotional prices should be pre-set, not for particular people, to distinguish from a bribee who has a particular price. 分析得出正常的优惠价格应该是预先设定的、不针对特定人的且具有有因性的特点,以此区别于享受特殊优惠价格的受贿行为。
Ask for, or accepting ( including period about) including the main body of the bribee himself, also including its family member designated or approved and all the stakeholders. 索取或收受(包括期约)的主体包括受贿人本人,也包括其家属及其指定或认可的一切利益关系人。