After he left school, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs — bricklayer, cinema usher, coal man. 离开学校后,他尝试过各种工作,如泥瓦匠、电影院引座员、运煤工。
He was a bricklayer — a big, strapping fellow. 他是位砌砖工——一个高大健壮的小伙子。
He worked as a bricklayer's mate 他给瓦工打下手。
Yang's father, known as Yang Guoqiang, grew up in poverty in Guangdong Province and worked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early1990s. 杨惠妍的父亲杨国强在广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早年是一名瓦匠,上世纪90年代早期,他开始从事房地产开发。
It is easy to imagine the computer that runs a program as a cook, or a bricklayer, or an automobile driver. 可以简单地将运行程序的计算机想象成厨师、瓦匠或汽车司机。
The former bricklayer said the couple used to joke that if they ever got married, they would have a fairytale wedding. 一位以前当瓦工的朋友说,这对夫妻过去经常开玩笑,说如果他们结婚一定会举办一场童话般的婚礼。
The layers of rocks are not laid evenly, as a bricklayer would build a wall. Instead, the earth's crust is made of rock layers that are often uneven and not perfectly balanced. 而岩层并不像建筑工人建的墙一样均匀地平整铺开,相反的,岩层构成的地壳也往往是不均匀且不是完美平衡的。
The son of a bricklayer, Bing has overcome multiple setbacks to surge ahead in four different careers. 作为一个泥瓦匠的儿子,宾在试图追寻四种不同的职业生涯时遇到过难以计数的挫折。
The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer. 那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。
MS Ramos, born in Lisbon, came to South Africa as a child with her mother and bricklayer father. 拉莫斯女士出生于里斯本,儿时与母亲和身为砖匠的父亲来到南非。
His car has been parked too near the wall, and some of the paint has rubbed off on the brick. A bricklayer lays bricks to make a wall. 他的车停得靠墙太紧,有些油漆擦到墙砖上去了。
Day he was a bricklayer, but his reputation as a singer was growing fast. 他白天是个泥水匠,但他作为歌手的声望正在迅速提高。
Bricklayer: floor tile, wall tiles, marble, civil works and so on. 瓦工:铺地砖、墙砖、大理石,土建工程等。
You're a bricklayer. that's a different category. 你是泥匠,是不同的类别。
Da was a bricklayer, ma, and I'm a writer. 爸是砌砖工人,我是作家。