A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be, The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop. 每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现,婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。
Brian winked at his bride-to-be 布赖恩向他的准新娘使了个眼色。
And with Britons taking no pains to, well, mask their excitement about the wedding, the bride-to-be's face has been popping up in the most unlikely places. 戴上面具,英国民众就可以尽情表达自己对婚礼的兴奋之情,因此准王妃的面具突然出现在一些最出人意料的场所。
Mac Adam says she was once shocked by a bride-to-be who asked whether she could include her bank-account number. 亚当说,有一次一位准新娘问到是否应该把她的银行账号也写进请柬,这让她很是惊讶。
As one bride-to-be, Silin Trenh, 28, explained," We picked [ the date] because the Chinese meaning of the number nine is longevity. " 28岁的准新娘郑西琳(音译)说:“我们选择(这一天)是因为9这个数字在中文里意味着‘长久’。”
The English language now has words for all three of them: the pushy father is a'dadzilla ', the possessive mother a'mumzilla', and any obnoxious bride-to-be is a'bridezilla '. 英语里对这三类人都有了称呼:强势的父亲叫做“爸爸哥斯拉”,不想对儿子放手的妈妈叫做“妈妈哥斯拉”,而吹毛求疵惹人厌的准新娘就叫做“新娘哥斯拉”。
Vivienne Westwood has mentioned the bride-to-be does not share her idea of dressing and that she` s not bothered about not having the honor to make Kate` s wedding dress. 薇薇安韦斯特伍德(音译)曾提到过准新娘凯特并不认同自己的着装理念,因此她也不必费心于凯特婚纱的设计。
Tony and Li` s preference for Western women, the men say, is also due to the growing materialism of Chinese women and the pressure to provide a new apartment for one` s bride-to-be. 人们认为,托尼和李磊对西方女性的偏爱源于中国女性不断膨胀的物质主义,以及为未婚妻买房带来的压力。
Bride-to-be Heidi Withers was chided by her future mother-in-law for her lack of grace according to a cutting email that she shared with friends. 根据准新娘海蒂威瑟斯与朋友分享的一封言语刻薄的电子邮件,她被未来婆婆指责为缺乏风度。
He poured his heart out in a lengthy message and kept in touch with his bride-to-be before flying out to Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines, to meet her the following May. 他在一个长消息中向她表白了他的真心,在第二年他飞往菲律宾拉古纳圣罗莎与他的准新娘见面之前始终保持着联系。
The bride-to-be spent a long time online that evening and found a nice, brand new wedding dress for a reasonable price-1,000 yuan. 当天晚上他们花了很长时间,在网上找到一件漂亮的,新的礼服,价钱也很合适,只有1000元。
She also said Kroeger was happy to let his bride-to-be take charge. 她还说Kroeger很高兴让他的准新娘做主。
The pragmatic bride-to-be initially planned to rent a gown. 务实的小两口原本打算是去租一套礼服的。
Dancing with the music played by this gramophone; the red gift box is so huge! It is every bride-to-be's dream! 随着留声机播放的音乐翩翩起舞;木制的彩绘礼品盒是用来装聘礼的,但并不是所有的新娘都可以得到这么大的礼盒。
The groom had a bad case of cold feetin the weeks before the wedding, but his anxiety vanished every time he saw his beautiful bride-to-be. 新郎在结婚前几周开始变得杞人忧天,但他每次见到未来的妻子时,所有的忧虑都会消失。
The bride-to-be chose modest high street designs in white for both the formal and more laid-back snaps. 这位未来新娘选择了这件白色谦和的大众款式的设计,分别出现在了正式和更加随意的两张相片中。
I asked the young bride-to-be," Are you planning to shake hands in the vestibule after the ceremony?" 我问一位未来即将成为新娘的年轻女子:“结婚典礼之后,你喜欢在门廊处握手吗?”
When Paris arrived with a band of musicians to meet his bride-to-be, Lord Capulet sent the nurse to wake Juliet. 当巴利斯带着一队乐师来接准新娘,卡布利特大人便差遣奶妈去唤醒茱丽叶。
He glanced lovingly at his bride-to-be. 他钟爱地看了他未来的新娘一眼。
In Finland, a traditional bride-to-be walks door-to-door with a pillowcase to receive her wedding presents. 在传统的芬兰婚礼前夕,即将结婚的新娘带着一个枕头套,挨家挨户收取新婚礼物。
True, William did not use the word love when referring to his bride-to-be. 是的,当提到他的未婚妻时,威廉并没有使用爱情这个字眼。
His bride-to-be was nervous fearsome of public opinion. 他的未婚新娘有些胆怯,怕人家飞短流长。
The closer the big day approaches, the more wound-up everyone involved gets-the bride-to-be throws tantrums if every small detail of the preparations isn't perfect; 婚礼的日子越近,的人们就会变得越混乱&准新娘会某个小细节不完美而发飙;
Top Below are some recommended bride-to-be like fire, and this year's most popular wedding design, be worth to expect! 下面小编就像准新娘们推荐今年最火、最具人气的婚纱款式,值得期待哦!
It was plain that he had never before considered the possibility that his bride-to-be might refuse him. 显而易见以前他可没考虑过他的未婚妻可能拒绝他的可能性。
Good morning. Is the bride-to-be ready to go?@ the friar asked. 早安。准新娘准备好要走了吗?修士问道。
When the nobleman's son saw his intended bride-to-be. 当贵族的儿子看见他的新娘时。
The preacher was talking to the young bride-to-be. 传教士正在对年轻的准新娘谈话。
But according to new research, the more pressure a bride-to-be is under to lose weight, the more she will gain after her big day. 但一项新研究发现,新娘减肥时面对的压力越大,婚礼后增重将会越多。