Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; 当时,耶和华就使硫磺与火,从天上耶和华那里降与所多玛和蛾摩拉;
By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. 口中所出来的火,与烟,并硫磺,这三样灾杀了人的三分之一。
The writing wasnt on the wall, it was in handy little books and with fire and brimstone preachers reading from it in every church, its words and phrases took root to the ends of the earth well at least the ends of Britain. 著作没有写在墙上,它是灵巧方便的小书,还有非常热心的传教士在每一个教堂朗读它。它的词句在世界的尽头好吧,至少在全英国扎根。
Brimstone they called it raining down: the cities of the plain: sodom, gomorrah, edom. 降下来的是他们所谓的硫磺。平原上的这些城市,所多玛、蛾摩拉、埃多姆。
You're an important part of the brimstone society. 你也是宾斯通城的重要成员。
On the day when Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all. 但在罗特从索多玛出来的那天,火及硫磺自天降下,消灭了所有的人。
Forget the fire and brimstone: his subtle eloquence made him the country's most influential theologian. 忘记地狱吧,他那了不起的口才使他成为这个国家最有影响的神学家。
Let the companions of him that is not, dwell in his tabernacle, let brimstone be sprinkled in his tent. 魑魅要住在他的帐幕中,硫磺散布在他的居所之上。
These two were cast alive into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone. 它们两个活活的被扔到那用硫磺燃烧的火坑里去了。
Especially those that were once brimstone. 尤其是那些来自宾斯通城的吸血鬼。
9 but on the day in which Lot went out from sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 9到罗得出所多玛的那日,就有火与硫磺从天上降下来,把他们全都毁灭了。
She think that one will suffer fire and brimstone after death if he have do wrong. 她认为一个人要是做坏事,死后就得遭受地狱里的磨难。
And yeah, I printed out that email and stuck it in my Brimstone and Gall notebook. 和是啊,我印指出,电子邮件和坚持,它在我的硫磺和胆囊的笔记本。
His sermons were full of fire and brimstone. 他的说教充满了火药味。
You're getting the last little hellfire and brimstone sermon at the end. 在训诫的最后,又出现了地狱火。
When invading an inferno, you will see brimstone stormclouds. beware, their spell casters feed on its power. 在进攻地狱时,你会看到硫云风暴。小心,他们的施法者从中获取力量。
The judge is all fire and brimstone when she hands down the sentence. 法官愤怒的就给我轻易的定了罪。
He threatens us with fire and brimstone. 他以阴森恐怖的处罚威胁我们。
Maybe fire and brimstone and threats of Hell. 也许消防和硫磺和威胁的地狱。
Fire and Brimstone is something we're looking at, as is Molten Core. 硫磺烈火是我们正在关注的天赋,同样的还有熔火之心。
The preacher warned us of the fire and brimstone that awaits sinners. 牧师警告我们说,罪人要受炼狱之苦。
Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and brimstone. 爱让两颗心结合,冒出熊熊烈火。
Or leave your children motherless as a brimstone martyr. 否则城堡里没爹没妈的孩子也会被处死。
The brimstone furnace is one of the main installations in producing the sulphur dioxide in sugar production project. 燃硫炉是制糖工业中用来制备二氧化硫气体的主要设备。
Technical and Economic Evaluation on Production of Sulphuric Acid with Brimstone 不溶性硫磺的研制硫磺制酸技术经济述评
Many of China's producers adopt interrupter chloration process by brimstone catalyst, however continuous chloration reactor by acetic anhydride catalyst has been used abroad. 我国绝大多数氯乙酸生产企业采用以硫磺粉为催化剂的间歇氯化生产工艺,而国外大都采用连续化氯化反应器,以醋酐为催化剂。