Soak the walnuts in brine for four or five days. 把核桃放在盐水里泡四五天。
With existing technology and present prices, truly profitable lithium comes only from the evaporation of highly concentrated brine. 凭借现有的技术和价格,要想获得真正有利润的锂,只能来自对高浓度卤水的蒸发提炼。
It advances output and concentration of brine and acquires the economic effect. 经过两年的生产实践,提高了卤水的产量和卤水浓度,取得了较大的经济效益。
Pickle cured in brine and preserved in sugar and vinegar. 用盐水浸泡后保存在糖醋中的泡菜。
Making your own Brine is an excellent way to make cheap tasty and healthy sun flowers to eat. 使你自己的卤水是一个很好的方式,使廉价美味和健康孙花吃。
Meantime, we have also studied the effect of dissolved oxygen on the carbon steel's corrosion in Saline Lake Brine. 同时采用电化学方法研究了溶解氧对碳钢在盐湖卤水中腐蚀行为的影响。
Capacitors will be exposed to water ( including condensation), brine or oil. 电容器被暴露于水(包括浓缩液)、盐水或油中。
Study on the effect of salt on double decomposition reaction of brine and ammonium bicarbonate was investigated. 卤水和固体碳酸氢铵复分解反应得碳酸氢钠沉淀和氯化铵溶液,碳酸氢钠经煅烧得纯碱。
Vegetables ( especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar. 保存在盐水或醋中的蔬菜(尤其是黄瓜)。
Avoid ambient conditions where capacitors are covered with water, brine or oil. 避免电容器的储存环境中有水、盐水或油。
Olives picked ripe and cured in brine then dried or pickled or preserved canned or in oil. 采摘成熟的橄榄,用盐水浸泡,然后晒干,或腌渍,或罐装保存,或放在油中保存。
It has large-scale application in the precise filtration of secondary brine in chlor-alkali production; 已大规模用于氯碱生产上的二次盐水的精密过滤;
The status of lithium-bearing brine resources and its progress of development technology in China was introduced. 介绍了我国卤水锂资源及开发进展情况,并就盐湖卤水锂资源的开发提出了建议。
A salty brown liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans and roasted wheat or barley in brine. 一种棕色流质咸调味品,以浸泡于卤水中的大豆及烘培小麦或大麦发酵制成。
The sources and characteristics of brine wastewater in petroleum refineries are introduced. 介绍了炼厂含盐废水的来源及性质。
It is rich in the local deposits of salt brine and natural gas. 它是富有的在含盐的甜盐水和天然气的地方性的存款中。
The onions had been pickled in spiced brine. 洋葱在有调味品的盐水里腌过了。
The outlook of China's underground brine development and the defects of the pumps now in use was introduced. 介绍了目前我国地下卤水的开发前景,开采用泵存在的一些缺陷。
In this paper, the technologies of brine purification, chlorine removing of dilute brine are introduced in detail. 详细介绍了盐水精制工艺、淡盐水脱氯工艺及电解槽发展情况、膜法工艺。
Introduces the principles and process of brine purification technology, compares combination property of different process. 介绍了各种岩盐卤水净化工艺的原理流程,并对不同工艺进行了综合性能比较。
In this research, a comparative study was carried out between spice-in-brine salting and traditional brine salting methods. 本文就香辛料对腌制鸭蛋中食盐、分和粘度的影响与盐水浸泡法进行了比较研究。
The progress on brine wastewater treatment at home and abroad is summarized. 综述了目前国内外在含盐废水处理方面的研究进展。
As mentioned earlier, checking the salt and water level in a brine tank can guide you in solving a system's problem. 正如之前提起到的,检查盐箱中的水和盐的高度可以知道你解决系统中的问题。
Calcium sulphate whisker was prepared by hydrothermal method using seawater or brine as raw material. 以海水卤水为原料,采用水热法制备了硫酸钙晶须。
Usually use magnesite, dolomite and brine as raw material to produce. 通常是用菱镁矿、白云石和卤水为原料生产的。
Thin under-saturated silicate brine drilling fluid is one of the well-proven technologies for drilling salts and gypsum rocks. 盐泥是盐化工业生产过程中产生的固体废物,稀硅酸盐欠饱和盐水钻井液是盐膏层钻井的成熟技术之一。
The desulfurization efficiency of seawater and desalinating byproduct brine were studied by using a spray empty absorption tower. 采用喷淋空塔对海水及海水淡化浓盐水的脱硫效率进行了研究。
All hosing connectors and pumps to keep brine circulating within the tank and through the refrigeration system. 配备所有的管路连接和水泵,保证盐水池和制冷系统的盐水循环。
Simulation System Development and Energy Optimization of Brine Treatment Process 盐水处理工艺的模型开发和能量优化
Pickle preserved in brine or vinegar flavored with dill seed. 用莳萝籽作调料的保存在盐水或醋中的泡菜。