Eventually I broached the subject of her early life. 最后我提到了关于她的早年生活的话题。
She broached the idea with her family, and it fell flat. 她和家人说了这个想法,不过没有得到响应。
She felt certain that they were continuing the subject already broached, but their voices were so low that she could not catch the words. 她敢肯定她们还在继续谈论刚才她们已经开始了的话题,不过她们谈话的声音太小,她听不清楚。
John* When John first broached the subject of being Best Man, I was confused. 约翰约翰提出让我做伴郎的时候,我很困惑。
It is quite a novelty to have the blinds up, and the shutters open; and they make themselves dismally comfortable over bottles of wine, which are freely broached as on a festival. 窗帘已经卷上,百叶窗已经拉开,这是件不同于前几天的新鲜事情。他们像过节一般尽情地喝着一瓶瓶的酒,以此消愁解忧。他们都很喜欢劝善戒恶。
She brought her breast pump on the airplane every time, but never broached the subject with her colleagues. 她每次都会带着吸奶器坐飞机,但却从未跟同事提到自己的情况。
I'M a little embarrassed, Liu Jing leaned in closer and lowered her voice, revealing for the first time a hint of discomfort since the topic of credit cards had been broached. 我有点不好意思,刘静靠在柜台上放低声音说,自信用卡问题被提出以来第一次暗示不适。
In particular, it will promote fundamental reform of the international monetary system, a theme Mr Sarkozy broached in his address to the World Economic Forum in Davos in January. 特别是,它将推动国际货币体系的根本改革。今年1月在达沃斯世界经济论坛上发表讲话时,萨科齐就提出了这一主题。
The president returned from the Caribbean on December 16 and broached his plan at his press conference next day. 总统在12月16日从加勒比海归来,翌日便在记者招待会上说明了他的计划。
I first broached the subject with him in a conversation in Washington in January. 我一月份在华盛顿首次同他讨论了这个问题。
Ironically, the EU broached the talks as a way of protecting itself against the trade-diverting effects of the now moribund US-Korea deal. 具有讽刺意味的是,欧盟之所以启动这些谈判,是因为它想以此来保护自己,免受如今停滞不前的美韩协定可能带来的贸易转移影响。
None of the well-heeled guests invited to lob questions at Miss China during the New York training sessions had ever broached such a subject. 纽约训练期间受邀前来盘问罗紫琳的名流嘉宾中,没有谁曾经提到这样一个话题。
But I broached the subject carefully. 但我会小心翼翼地提出这个话题。
When a pencil is sharpened, the pencil needs to be contacted with the cutting edge and broached back and forth along the guiding groove. 削笔时只要将笔贴在刀刃上,沿导向槽往复拉削即可。
We were appalled personally that this topic was even broached by the individuals that started the thread, and other threads. 我们每个人都震惊于这个题目甚至是那些发帖的人从个人角度、以及从其他讨论帖提出来的。
At last he broached the subject of the new contract. 最后他提出了新合同的问题。
As the girls huddled around the makeshift table, Luyuan broached a familiar topic: back home over the holidays, her family had introduced her to a man. 姑娘们围坐在这个简易餐桌前开始吃饭,这时,李芦媛提起了一个大家熟悉的话题:放假在家时,家里给她介绍了个对象。
Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day. 从到垃圾到给你一个浪漫的周末之类的任何事,最可能成功在一周的工作结束的时候。
At last he broached the subject of the new contract to them. 最后他向他们开口谈起新合同的事情。
He said Mr Thain never broached the subject of his own future in the merger discussions. 他说,塞恩在合并谈判时,从没提到有关他自己前途的话题。
He broached the subject to the stranger. 他对陌生人提起那话题。
Have you broached the subject of the money he owes us? 昨天我向经理说了这个想法。
He broached a barrel of cider. 他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。
On the basis of this tasting, most of these 2004 red Bordeaux should be at their best from about 2011 or 2012 for 10 years or more, although some of the Margaux, graves and Pomerol could be broached sooner. 依据上述品酒结果,这些2004年酿造的红葡萄酒多数应该最早从2011年或2012年推出10年期或更久的,但玛尔戈、格拉夫和pomerol出产的一些葡萄酒可能会更快推出。
Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in Bear last November following a precipitous drop in the US bank's shares, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士介绍,去年11月,在贝尔斯登股价出现骤跌后,中信证券首先提出重新讨论它将在这家美国投行持有的股份。
The cell surface barrier had been broached. 细胞表面屏障被凿开。
I haven't broached the subject of salaries yet. 我还没有开始讨论工资这个主题。