The sight of that wally hiding under a brolly at Wembley Stadium will haunt me for years to come. 那个在温布利躲在伞下的苏格兰人会让我恶心到明年。
England have gone from the wally with the brolly to a manager who'd still look triumphant on a wet night at Wembley. 英格兰队从一个需要洋教练保护伞的一流队伍变成即使在潮湿的温布利也能意气风发的胜利者。
On a rainy and blustery day it is not unusual to get soaking wet when wrestling with a troublesome brolly. 在一个下雨刮风的日子里即使打着一把伞却被淋湿也是很正常的。
It's a good job you brought your brolly, it's starting to rain. 幸亏你带了伞,开始下雨了。
The singer, 44, wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a Las Vegas museum. 这位44岁的巨星在参观拉斯维加斯博物馆时,鼻子由绷带缠绕,一名助手则为他撑着伞。