Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked AT1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder. 在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在一日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。
Deep gold intensity, very strong purplish-bluish base contrast and some golden head features are the strong selling points of this brooder. 这尾种鱼的最大卖点是它的重金质,强烈的紫蓝底色对比及它的金头特征。
Second brood this year for this Pahang Gold brooder. 这是这尾彭亨金金底过背种亲今年的第二批仔鱼。
The usual practice to scan the brooder for record purposes. 扫描种鱼以方便记录是一般做法。
She plowed the meadow into a garden and set up brooder house and barn. 她把草地犁成菜园,还搭了鸡舍牛房。
The final close-up shot of this brooder. 最后的一张贴身图片。
Joaquin Phoenix, 31: Like her, the shy brooder likes to keep his love life off the red carpet. 杰昆·菲尼克斯(31岁):和齐薇格一样,性格内向的菲尼克斯也更愿意让自己的爱情远离红地毯。
Consoling this new Sapphire gold brooder-note its brooding pouch, fully crossed scales and golden head features. 安慰这尾新蓝宝石种鱼-看它的孵卵袋,完全过背的鳞片及金黄色的头顶。
A side profile of the old brooder. Photo is over-exposed due to today's strong sun. 老种鱼的侧面影象。今天阳光很猛烈,照片似乎是过度暴光。
Remember we filmed this young brooder last week, with him posing for a good 2-3 minutes for our camera? 可曾记得我们曾经在上星期拍摄这尾年青的种鱼?他一度替我们的摄像机摆了两三分钟的摆姿。
The struggling brooder finally releases his brood. 挣扎的雄鱼终于释放出他的小鱼。
Using a new scanner to check this new brooder. 利用新的扫描器来扫描这尾新种鱼。
Tentative Study on the Functions and Construction of and Development Strategies for Brooder 试论孵化器作用、建设及发展的策略