棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地) used to describe an area of land in a city that was used by industry or for offices in the past and that may now be cleared for new building development
ADJ 棕色地带(指城镇中曾经兴建过房屋或工厂而现今废弃不用的土地) Brownfield land is land in a town or city where houses or factories have been built in the past, but which is not being used at the present time.
By 2005 he wants half of all new houses to be built on previously developed land: so-called brownfield sites. 到2005年,他希望会有一半的新房子建在以前曾经开发过的所谓棕色地带上。
On constrained brownfield sites, this is an attractive means of upgrade. 对于条件受限的棕地现场,此乃颇具吸引力的能力提升方法。
In a word, the study could give impetus and facilitate the development of brownfield in China I hope. 总之,本文的目的在于推动我国的污染土地之实际开发工作。
Instructions for the Auto Industry "Brownfield" Transformation Simulation. 汽车工业闲置厂房转型模拟之指南。
A 'brownfield' is a parcel of land contaminated by one or more hazardous substances, but that has potential to be reused once it is cleaned up. 污染场地也称棕地,是指受到一种或多种有害物质污染但经过清理之后仍有潜力重新开发利用的土地。
Is the Brownfield Economic Redevelopment Initiative going to help or hinder protection and restoration of environmental quality? 棕色地块经济振兴计划将会促进还是阻碍对环境质量的保护和恢复?
Allowing more development both on brownfield sites in the city and on the green belt encircling it would increase supply; though beloved by environmentalists and nimbys, the green belt pushes growth further into the south-east, thus damaging a larger area of countryside. 允许对市内的棕色地块以及市周围的绿化带进行更多开发将带来更多供给;尽管绿化带受到环保人士和邻避症候群的喜爱,但它深入东南部,对大片乡村区域造成了危害。
The Inspiration of Western "Brownfield" Regenerations& Take the Urban Design of WuHan "Guibei" Area as an Example 国外棕地改造的启示&以武汉龟山北地区城市设计为例
Gray Incidence Analysis between Cultivated Area and Grain Yield and its Affecting Factors of Henan Province An Analysis of the Affecting Factors in the Development of Brownfield 河南省耕地和粮食灰色关联分析污染土地开发中的阻碍因素分析
An Analysis of the Affecting Factors in the Development of Brownfield 污染土地开发中的阻碍因素分析
In recent years, china has gradually into middle and later periods of industrialization, and economic structure, industrial structure and the development model of urban have undergone enormous changes. Meanwhile, china is increasingly facing serious problem of brownfield use. 目前我国已逐步进入工业化中后期,经济、产业结构、城市发展模式发生了翻天覆地的变化,但同样也面临着越来越严重的棕地利用问题。
In the 1980s, the USA began to realize the problem of the brownfield and then took a series of redevelopment actions to deal with them. 20世纪80年代,美国开始意识到棕色地带问题,并在之后采取了一系列棕色地带再开发活动。
Clean the brownfield was always significantly higher than the initial cost due to the cost of waste disposal. 清理这些棕地的费用总是大大高于最初适当处理废弃物的费用。
The thesis chooses the city of Pittsburg as a case to analyze the causes of the brownfield and the process of related redevelopment and the experiences pertaining to the brownfield governing. 本文选取匹兹堡市作为个案,结合匹兹堡的情况分析美国棕色地带问题产生的原因、相关的治理情况,以及治理过程中取得的经验。
In this paper, by the analyses of the concept of the foreign Brownfield, definite the characteristics and the concept of the Brownfield in the old industrial cities in the first. 本文首先通过对国外棕地概念的解析,明确棕地特征,并对我国老工业城市的棕地概念加以限定。
The clearance and redevelopment of brownfield are intertwined with the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection, which involve different stakeholders, so it is concerned by many countries and their local governments, enterprises and civil non-profit organizations. 褐色土地的清理和再开发交织着经济发展与环境保护的矛盾,涉及不同的利益相关者,因此受到许多国家和各地方政府、企业以及民间非赢利组织的极大关注。
When the western developed countries go from industrialization to post-industrialization, the traditional industries declined generally. To promote urban renaissance, large number of theoretical researches and development practices have carried out for Brownfield. 西方发达国家从工业化走向后工业化,传统工业普遍衰退,针对棕地进行了大量的理论研究和开发实践,以促进城市棕地的复兴。
The third chapter introduces the United States super fund system of legal responsibility, and other national brownfields cleanup funding source, was designed by combining the current situation of our country, put forward to construct our brownfield legal liability framework. 第三章介绍美国超级基金制度中关于法律责任的内容,外加其他国家棕地治理资金的来源,目的是结合我国的现状,大胆提出构建适合我国的棕地法律责任框架。