Will an imminent Facebook IPO pour fuel onto the bonfire, or simply mark the culmination of what will prove a modest brushfire? Facebook即将进行的首次公开募股是烈火烹油,还是将标志着一场小规模的灾难即将到达高潮?
Australian police say the death toll from wildfires in the country's southeast has risen to84, making it Australia's deadliest brushfire disaster. 澳大利亚警方称澳大利亚东南部发生的野火火灾造成的死亡人数已升至84人,使这场火灾成为最致命的地区灾难。
At last this test is further illustrated by a example about brushfire. 最后,利用一个关于森林火灾的实例对以上方法进行了进一步说明。
From the viewpoint of mechanics, it is, as a matter of fact, a process from local damage, to brushfire fracture and eventually to integral collapse. 从力学角度而言,它实际上就是一个从局部耗散到局部破坏最终到整体灾变的过程。
The worsening environmental problems caused the situation tensity, international conflict and brushfire battles, brought great harm to the peace and security for the nation, region and world, which drugged the international relationship and challenge the dominion. 严重恶化的环境问题引起国际局势紧张、引发国际冲突,甚至导致局部战争,危及有关国家、地区乃至世界的和平与安全,是对国际关系的毒化和对主权的挑战。