It is in knowing what he is and what he does that man is distinguished from the brutes. 因为人之所以异于禽兽即由于人能知道他是什么,他作什么。
Soldiers! Dont give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, treat you like cattle and use you as cannon fodder. 士兵们,不要替那些畜生们卖命,他们鄙视你们,奴役你们,操纵你们的生命,告诉你们该做什么,想什么,感觉什么,他们把你们当牛一样训练为的只是拿你们去当炮灰。
But in Guardians of the Galaxy, he also summons up some emotion and even quiet desperation amid the scares and the brutes like Drax ( a terrific Dave Bautista). 但在《银河护卫队》里,他也唤起了一些情感,甚至包括恐惧中静静的绝望,以及德拉克斯(Drax,大卫·巴蒂斯塔[DaveBautista]饰演,非常可怕)这样的兽性角色心中的绝望。
When you seemed to make applications to the brutes that came with you, I saw one of them lift up his sword to kill you. 当你们向那些一起来的野蛮家伙哀告的时候,我还看见其中有个人举起刀来要杀你们哩。
Like I remember that BG encounter with a dryad, I helped her fend off some brutes hacking her tree. 我记得在《博得之门》中遇到了一个森林女神,我帮她挡退了一些对她的大树图谋不轨的野蛮人。
Suddenly the foul musty odour of the brutes struck his nostrils. 突然,他的鼻尖闻到了老鼠的霉臭味。
The lions I am talking about are the poor half-starved brutes reserved for tourists. 我所说的狮子是那些专为观光客保留的饿得半死的可怜动物。
They're not like dogs, they're ugly, hideous brutes. 它们不像狗,是丑陋而又令人讨厌的畜牲。
They are neither evil, nor brutes or savages as they were previously. 和之前不同,它们并不邪恶,也不残忍或野蛮。
Thank goodness you're not hurt. you, you vicious brutes! 谢天谢地你没受伤,你这恶毒的畜生!
Good poor brutes they look. 一看就是些善良而可怜的牲口。
By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. 答应这些事物,那些畜生们答应过的事情。
Most eagle knights are fighters or brutes with a fanatical devotion to the God-king and their city, though eagle knights can come from any class. 大多数雄鹰骑士是狂热信仰神王和他们故土的战士或蛮战士,虽然任何职业都可以成为雄鹰骑士。
They've been working like brutes and living in poverty all their lives. 他们一辈子干的牛马活,过着穷日子。
Tammuz: A Promethean Lineage. Brutes reborn in the womb of the earth and stricken with an excess of melancholic humour. Their Progenitor was a Babylonian Golem. 塔穆兹:活尸的世系之一。他们在大地的子宫中重生,体质以黑胆汁为主。其先祖为巴比伦的魔偶。
These starving brutes will shoot out of it like bullets. 这些饿慌了的小畜牲就会像万箭齐发一样窜出来。
Ordinary people everywhere recoil and turn away in fear from these fiendish brutes of agents. 使通国之人重足而立,侧目而视者,无过于此辈穷凶极恶之特务人员。
It is thought and spirit that raise men above the level of the brutes. 惟有思想和精神才能使人超于禽兽的水平。