It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists. 那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。
Buddhists are mostly concentrated in the eastern regions and the central Terrai. 佛教徒集中在东部地区和中部Terrai地区。
In Nepal, differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been in general very subtle and academic in nature due to the intermingling of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. 在尼泊尔,由于印度教和佛教信仰的混合,使得印度教徒和佛教徒在总体上看有细微不同,在本质上学术化。
They became Buddhists, and stopped killing animals to eat their meat. 他们全都皈依了佛教,并且再也不杀生吃肉了。
There are also a small number of Buddhists, Christians, and Animists. 也有一小部分是佛教徒、基督教徒和万物有灵论者。
They told commission member Leonard Leo that Vietnam's ethnic minority Buddhists and Protestants are often harassed, beaten, detained and arrested. 他们告诉委员会成员列奥纳多·里欧,越南少数民族的佛教徒和新教徒经常被骚扰,殴打,拘留和逮捕。
Buddhists began to dig shallow caves ( called grottoes) into cliffs or hillside during the 4th century. 佛教徒们从公元4世纪开始,在岩边或山壁开凿洞窟,称作石窟。
Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation. 印度教徒和佛教徒相信轮回转世。
Buddhists adopted the term as an epithet for the Buddha and his arahant disciples. 佛教常以此作为佛陀和他的阿罗汉弟子的一个别称。
Yes, read history and you'll know what Hindus did to the Buddhists. 回去翻翻历史书你就会知道印度人都对佛教徒干了些啥。
Emei Mountain, a famous mountain worshipped by Buddhists, is situated southwest of Emei County in Sichuan Province. 峨眉山是中国佛教名山,在四川省峨眉县城西南。
Hence on Vesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events: The Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha. 因此,卫塞节,全世界的佛教徒纪念三个重大事件:乔达摩佛的出生,教化和去世。
Buddhists believe in reincarnation and each explains his deeds in a former life and how they influenced this one. 佛教徒相信轮回和化身,每处说了他的每个前世所作的事,并且解释了他们是如何影响现世。
Vegetarians and Buddhists have their own particular tastes. 素食者和佛教徒有他们自己特别的菜。
At that time some Chinese Buddhists realized the shortage of Buddhist sutra, so they began pilgrimage to India to seek scriptures and to translate Buddhist sutras. 此时,一部分中国僧人深感佛经有限不能尽览,他们于是有了西行求法和翻译佛典之举。
Moreover, a referendum, introducing the idea of a popular mandate, might not be heretical to Buddhists. 而且,一场全民投票,引入了民众授权的观念,对佛教徒来说可能不是异端邪说。
Many Buddhists also take vegetarian meals on this day as they recall the teaching of Universal Compassion. 许多佛教徒也会在当天忆念广大的慈悲而持素戒杀。
The magnificent Longmen Grottoes are ancient sculptures priceless to Buddhists. 气势雄伟的龙门石窟,是佛门珍贵的古代雕刻艺术。
The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony. 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们。
Real Buddhists should be like this. 真正的佛教徒应该如此啊!
By the end of the 14th century, most Japanese were Buddhists and refrained from eating meat. 到了14世纪末,大多数日本人都成了佛教徒,因此自律拒绝吃肉。
Devotee: Do Buddhists only worship Buddha but not Celestial spirits? 信众问:佛教徒只拜佛不要拜天神?
Genuine Buddhists will never decadent or depressed, for hope always springs from disappointment. 真正的学佛者,没有颓废消沉,因为希望总是在失望中生。
Later, Min and his son were devout Buddhists and then followers of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. 当然,后来闵公父子虔心向佛而出家,便成了地藏菩萨的左右胁侍。
Buddhists never regard other living beings as their enemies. 佛教徒从来没有考虑其他生物作为自己的敌人。
Buddhists should be practical-minded, have the spirit of thorough investigation, and realize the truth of universe and life. 佛教徒要建立一种求实观,要有寻根究底的精神,要真正了解宇宙和人生的真相。
Muslims and Buddhists appeared on the scene after World War II. 穆斯林与佛教徒是在二次大战后才在美国出现的。
Buddhists accept Jesus as a great teacher. 佛教承认耶稣是伟大的老师。
Buddhists believe in reincarnation. 佛教徒相信投胎转世。
Malaysia, as a multi-ethnic country, has Muslims living with people from other religions such as Hindus and Buddhists. 马来西亚这个多种族国家,是穆斯林与其他类如印度教徒和佛教徒的宗教信仰者共同生活的国度。