In Washington our capital back then, before we moved it to the cloud hapless buffoons yammered night and day. 在华盛顿政府迁入云端之前美国的首都可悲的小丑们没日没夜地废话连篇。
And populaces, like tyrants, require buffoons. 而群氓和暴君都需要逗乐的小丑。
We will never coexist with these buffoons. 我们才不跟这些小丑和平共处呢。
In place of genuine politics, the election season will be full of Kremlin-sanctioned buffoons, clowns and imps. 俄罗斯大选期间处处充斥着政府的谐星,小丑和老顽童,这场闹剧代替了真正的选举。
Full of clattering buffoons is the market-place,& and the people glory in their great men! These are for them the masters of the hour. 市场上充满着像煞有介事的丑角,&而群众正以这些大人物自眩:视他们为当今的主人。
There were buffoons, there were improvisators, there were ballet-dancers, there were musicians, there was beauty, there was wine He is good at make impromptu speech. 有说笑逗乐的,有即兴表演的,有跳芭蕾舞的,有演奏乐曲的,有美女,还有醇酒。他善于发表即席演说。
You'll be the ones unmasked as the buffoons you truly are! 你们将暴露你们小丑的真面目。
The Buffoon's Power and Aesthetics: Comments on Buffoons in Shakespeare's Historical Plays 丑角的力与美:莎士比亚历史剧中的丑角群像