The gross national product were seen as a hodgepodge of buicks, chickens, shirts, and diaper services. 把国民生产总值看成是别克牌汽车,小鸡,衬衫和织补服务等的大杂烩。
Effort has been applied to cabin quietness, a virtue of Buicks for decades. 别克还努力实现车内的静音效果,这是别克数年来引以为荣的一大优点。
Buicks are beloved by the Chinese, and the market was in the early stages of its incredible growth. 结果,中国人对别克钟爱有加,通用汽车也因此开始了在中国的茁壮成长历程。
Likewise, the center stack of switches and controls was blessedly lacking the chrome-finished accents festooned on newer Buicks, though their plain design seemed a bit dated. 此外,与新款别克车不同,昂科雷内的各类开关与控制杆表面均未镀铬,虽然这样简朴的设计看似有点过时,但实乃幸事一桩。
A fleet of driverless Buicks, partially sponsored by California state agencies, navigated a seven mile stretch of automated highway near San Diego in1997, guided by magnets embedded in the roadway. 例如1997年,几辆无人驾驶的别克(Buick)汽车在道路里嵌入的磁铁的引导下,在圣地亚哥附近的自动高速公路上行驶了7英里左右。这个项目由加州州政府机构提供了部分赞助。
I hear the trout up there are as big as buicks. 我听说那边的鳟鱼大的像一部别克车一样。
Shanghai Automotive Industry, for instance, works with GM to build and sell Chevrolets, Buicks, and Cadillacs, and with Volkswagen to make its Santana and other models. 比如说,上汽集团与GM合作,生产和销售雪佛兰、别克以及卡迪拉克;与大众合作,生产桑塔纳以及其他车型。
Perhaps her biggest misconception was expectation that Beijing's streets would be clogged with cyclists in Mao suits, rather than the fleets of late model Audis and Buicks that she dodged with care. 也许她最大的误解认为北京的大街上大都是穿着中山装的人,挤满自行车,而不是要让她小躲闪的最新型的迪奥和别克车。
It is no coincidence that the company is seeking to use Chinese design for Buicks as the brand sells more cars in China than in the US. 该公司正打算在别克汽车上使用中国的设计,这也并非巧合,因为该品牌汽车在华销量高于美国。
GM, which makes Buicks, Chevrolets and Cadillacs with a local partner, is offering interest-free financing on some models after watching its market share in China slide in the first half of the year. 通用汽车目前与中国伙伴合作生产别克、雪佛兰和凯迪拉克三种品牌的汽车。当看到上半年在中国市场的占有率出现下滑后,该公司推出了针对某些车型的免息金融优惠。
This is a world where the young can start their motoring life with a Buick, not a 2CV or beetle; Buicks are more popular in China than they have been in the US for decades. 这是一个年轻人可以从别克(buick)、而不是2cv或甲壳虫(beetle)开始其驾车生活的世界;别克在中国比在美国的数十年都更受欢迎。
Effect of Mesh Sizes on Welding Deformation Prediction Precision of Buicks Underframe Assembly 网格尺寸对别克轿车副车架总成焊接变形预测精度的影响