The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate. 栽种冬春季节开花的鳞茎植物可以在大多数花园看上去还比较萧索的时候提供多彩的装点。
Rainwater had fused the bulbs. 雨水引发保险丝烧熔,使得灯泡都不亮了。
There are more dim bulbs in the universe than even the most hardened pessimist might have imagined. 在宇宙里,即使是最坚定的悲观主义者也想像不出还有那么多暗淡无光的球状物。
I smiled, remembering the bulbs he had secretly planted last autumn. 我笑了,想起了他去年秋天他偷偷种下的球茎。
A full-grown onion plant has roots, bulbs and leaves. 一颗完整的洋葱包括根、鳞茎和叶子。
Some bulbs produce flowers year after year. 一些鳞茎植物每年都会开花。
Gardening experts say tulips, daffodils and other bulbs are not very difficult to grow. 园艺专家表示,郁金香、水仙花和其他鳞茎植物并不难种植。
G: One of my light bulbs is burnt out. 旅客:我的一只灯泡烧坏了。
Incandescent bulbs give off more heat than light. 一些白炽灯泡会比自然光发出更多热量。
Offices can save energy on lighting by replacing the bulbs with low-energy filaments, first of all. 首先,办公室照明节能可使用低耗能的细丝灯泡取代普通灯泡。
So we have system insulated from the outside world, and we have two bulbs. 我们有一个与环境隔绝的系统,和两个腔体。
Using 40-watt soft light bulbs or lighting a few candles. 使用40瓦的柔和灯泡或点几支蜡烛。
There's always something to do, cutting the grass, weeding the flower beds, and planting bulbs. 总是有事情可以做,剪草坪、去花床的杂草和种植球根植物。
Electric light bulbs and X-ray tubes are made with a vacuum which makes them more efficient. 电灯泡和x-光管是利用真空原理制造出的,而且真空使其效率提高。
Small mild-flavored onion-or garlic-like clustered bulbs. 小的有适度气味的类似洋葱和大蒜的丛生球茎。
I am searching bulbs of ( or) seeds of these plants for my private collection. 我在寻找著这些石蒜科植物的鳞茎或种子作为我的私人收藏。