Wong walked into a police station and lied about robbing someone, but authorities refused to believe him. He tried pointing a toy gun at a taxi driver, but the cabbie screamed and scared him away. After multiple bungles, Wong finally achieved his goal. 凌先生去警察局自首、撒谎说自己抢劫了谁谁谁,但没人信;跟着他又拿玩具枪对着一名出租车司机,结果对方尖叫、反而吓跑了他自己。
If you cannot laugh at the bungles, the journey is simply too painful. 如果受挫后不懂自嘲,人生道路会十分痛苦。
He is a fool who bungles constantly. 他真是个笨蛋,做起事来总是笨手笨脚的。