Such a deformity makes walking more difficult and can produce a thick callus or ulceration when the bunion makes shoes ill-fitting. 畸形使行走更困难,且要是拇囊炎使鞋不合适还可能产生厚胼胝体或溃疡形成。
You should see me remove a bunion. 你该看看我怎么切除拇趾囊肿。
What's the difference between a bunion and a corn? 怎么分辨姆囊炎和鸡眼?
A bony bump at the base of the big toe, a bunion causes that toe to deviate toward the others. 拇趾囊肿是指连接大拇指的骨头肿大而向外突出。
Construction of socialist harmonious society is an important strategy in the formation of all-aided affluent society, as well as the objective requirement of our in the bunion development. 摘要建设社会主义和谐社会,是全面建设小康社会的一项重大战略部署,也是我们人类社会发展的客观要求。
Is a bunion, corn, ingrown toenail or a bad case of athlete's foot causing you foot pain or embarrassment? Keep your feet healthy by learning to recognize and treat common foot problems. 是否有因为拇趾囊肿,鸡眼,趾甲内生或是严重的脚癣而脚疼或是感到尴尬的经历?
Throwing foot bones out of alignment and producing the characteristic bump at the joint's base, a bunion can be very painful due to pressure or arthritis, and may also lead to corns. 受到压力或是有关节炎症时拇指囊肿会非常的疼痛,而且可能引起鸡眼。