Dave said that comment was for Kerith and I as we questioned him so much for the first couple of weeks but now it is "the burghers" who seem to do the cross checking. 戴夫说,这个评论因为凯瑞斯和我,我们在头两周里给他带来了很多问题,但现在我们这些“自由民”看起来像是在交叉检查。
If the burghers of Maastricht want to keep the euro, they may, sooner or later, have to pay more. 如果马斯特里赫特的公民们想要保住欧元,他们迟早会需要付出代价。
Needless to say, such radical ideas would horrify the prudent burghers of Switzerland. 不用说,如此激进的想法会吓坏谨慎的瑞士公民。
And that union, to attain which the burghers of the Middle Ages, with their miserable highways, required centuries, the modern knowledge workers, thanks to the network, achieve in a few years. 同时,得益于网络系统,那种中世纪的市民靠着他们不中用的道路需要几百年才能达到的联合,现代的知识工人只要几年就可以达到了。
From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the Chartered burghers of the earliest towns. 从中世纪的农奴中产生了初期城市的城关市民;
Their wild behavior outraged the respectable burghers of Oxford. 他们的粗野行为激怒了一向爱体面的牛津市民。
By 1696, with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes. 到1696年,托利党的乡绅们和阿姆斯特丹的市民都对苛捐杂税怨声载道。
The burghers of Brussels were trying to build a superstate out of abstract nouns. 布鲁塞尔的市民在试图用抽象名词建起一个超级邦国。
Whether he will also be able to claim to know those of the good burghers of celebrity-studded Neuilly is another matter. 然而,马提龙能否拉拢纽利市的知名人士还是一个谜。
Superficial Discussion of Space Language Expression About the Present Chinese Monument Sculpture& Speaking from Rodin's The Burghers of Calais 浅谈中国当下纪念碑雕塑的空间语言表达&由罗丹《加莱义民》说起