He said schools were in danger of being 'polarised', with only the very rich able to pay and only the very poor able to obtain bursaries. 里德还说道,学校正面临被两极分化的危险,学生多来自付得起学费的富裕家庭,以及能申请到助学金的贫困家庭。
Eton, which offers bursaries to poorer students, has fees exceeding 163; 34,000 a year, with some other elite schools charging even more. 伊顿公学向贫困学生提供助学金,它的每年学费已超过34000英镑,其它一些精英学校的学费甚至更贵。
He said: 'Many of us are conscious that there is a risk that boarding becomes polarised, in the sense of being accessible to the very rich on full fees and the very poor on bursaries, with the middle squeezed out. 他说道:我们中许多人都已经意识到,寄宿学校面临两级分化的危险,最富有的人可支付全额学费,最贫困的人能依靠助学金,而中产阶层的学生就被挤出学校。
Those bursaries are just one of the concessions the government added in order to persuade sceptical left-wingers to vote for the bill. 这些奖学金只不过是政府为了说服左翼怀疑派投票支持该法案而增加的一项妥协措施。
This in turn can foster charitable activities, from Bursaries and grants to apprenticeships. 这进而也会促进从奖助学金到实习机会等各种慈善活动。
Ironically, the enthusiasm for funding more bursaries is partly a reaction to the effect that the years of very high fees have already had on the social mix at private schools. 有讽刺意味的是,多年来高学费已经对私立学校的社会交往产生影响,筹措更多奖学金的热情正部分反映了这一影响。
The government may want to subsidise that search or subsidise loans and bursaries or provide remedial teaching for borderline candidates. 政府也许想资助大学招录英才,或者为分数线边缘的考生提供贷款、助学金或补救性教学。
In the past 10 years, private schools have used China to pioneer the new concept of overseas daughter campuses that make money for the parent school to spend on bursaries or lowering fees for pupils in Britain. 过去10年,私立学校已率先利用中国实践了开办海外分校的新理念,这些学校创造的收入,可以为母校提供助学金来源,或者用于降低英国学生的学费。
Raise the fee limit, while making universities raise money for bursaries. 提高学费的上限,同时让大学为助学金筹款。
And it will provide generous bursaries to bright people who might otherwise find it difficult to attend university. 它还将为天资聪颖的年轻人提供充足的奖学金,让他们得到上大学的机会。
Bursaries and scholarships are available from many schools and are always worth investigating especially if you come from an atypical MBA background. 许多学校都有助学金和奖学金,这些东西总是值得研究一番特别是如果你有着非典型的mba背景。
The heads of both schools say they will use the money to pay for bursaries back home. 两所学校的校长均表示,他们将会利用分校赚来的钱来提供英国国内的助学金。
You can choose to be specific about where your donation goes – the Learning Person to Person fund includes bursaries and loans; 你能选择你的捐赠的具体的用途方向&一对一学习资金包括了奖学金和贷款。