A busload of schoolchildren were held ransom until the gang were given a plane. 直到给了绑匪们一架飞机,他们才将全车的学童们释放。
A day-care center owner hijacked a busload of his students and teachers and drove them to Manila's city hall Wednesday to demand better housing and education for the children. 周三,一位托儿所所长将一汽车的学生和老师们劫持到马尼拉市政厅,要求给孩子们更好的居住环境和教育。
"How could I possibly talk to a busload of tourists, microphone in hand, with a trembling voice and shaking legs?" he recalls thinking. 他回想当时的自己:「我怎麽可能手拿麦克风,面对一大群观光客导览,声音和双脚却抖个不停。
Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river? 当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?
Did your grandfather-in-law ever bomb a busload of school children? 你的丈人爷爷有没有炸过一车小学生?
As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children. 我们从一群假日旅游者和他们大声叫喊的孩子们身边经过,向登机口走去,他们显然是累坏了,人数大概有一个公车的座位那么多。
The results indicate that this algorithm can not only achieve the optimal bandwidth utilization of LIN bus, but also reduce the busload of LIN bus. 研究结果表明,该算法能够实现LIN总线带宽利用率的最优解,并能进一步降低LIN总线的总线负载率。