At the back door there was a great butternut tree, round which the steps had been built, and in front the trees stood so close that I could touch them and feel the wind shake their branches, or the leaves twirl downward in the autumn blast. 房子后门还有一棵巨大的灰胡桃树,人们在它的周围修建了台阶。我离这些树木是如此之近,可以轻易地摸到被风吹拂的树枝,还有在阵阵秋风中滚动的树叶。
Whole baby lamb on a spit is a favorite; and make sure to try South African chef Jeremiah Leso's butternut soup. 这里的烤全乳羊最受人们欢迎。南非厨师杰里迈亚·莱索做的白胡桃汤也不要错过。
He was wearing the remains of his butternut trousers and one of gerald's shirts, a shirt which in better times went only to court days and barbecues, a ruffled shirt which was far too short for its present owner. 他身上穿的是一条粗布裤子和一件杰拉尔德的衬衫,这件衬衫以前完好的时候只有开庭和参加野宴时才穿的,如今已经皱巴巴的,穿在新主人身上显然是太短了。
2 cups cooked, peeled and mashed butternut squash or sweet potatoes 两杯煮熟去皮捣碎的冬南瓜或甘薯