Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests 军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。
She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts. 她说巡警在村里的学校把她们赶到一起,并用枪托殴打她们。
On Monday night, the floor in the dimly lit lobby was strewn with cigarette butts. 本周一晚记者访问这家酒店时发现,酒店大厅灯光昏暗,地板上散落着烟头。
He litter picked everything from cigarette butts to plastic bottles and was rewarded for his voluntary work by the authorities with a seat at the closing ceremony. 他义务拾捡垃圾,从烟头到塑料瓶,地上的所有垃圾他都拾起。后来,他的义务工作得到了官方的表扬和奖励,在北京奥运会闭幕式上,他被安排坐在前排观看。
My shop butts on a cinema. 我的店铺与一家电影院毗连。
Those cigarette butts from the crime scenes. 犯罪现场找到的那些烟头。
I'll kick their butts. 我会踢他们的屁股。
Look, the guy always smoke in front of us, throwing cigarette butts. I do not know what to say. 看,这个人一定始终在我们前面抽烟,扔烟头。我不知道说什么好了。
Let's give them a handshake and tell them to get their butts back in the library! 就让我们和孩子握握手,然后告诉他们回到图书馆!
Cigarette butts were classified into three categories: legal, contraband or unknown. 烟蒂被分为三类:合法的、走私的或不知名的。
Gog mountain was so hard to me, but my lovely husband push my butts all the way up to the summit. 狗山对我来说太难了,但是我可爱的老公一路上推着我屁股上到了山顶。
Remember that cigarettes are trash. Cigarette butts must go into trash cans or bigger dumpsters. 别忘了香烟是垃圾。香烟头应扔进垃圾箱或大一点的垃圾堆里。
After they had smoked their cigarettes to the halfway point and stored away the butts. 他们在吸烟吸到半截的当儿就把烟头儿收藏起来。
Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. 有些很整洁,还有的,像我一样,有裂缝,香蕉皮和烟头。
As for couch cushions, don't just flip them-swap them with one another so they don't become molds of your family's backs and butts. 至于沙发垫,不要只把它们翻过来就算了事,相互交换一下,这样它们就不会成为你家人背部和屁股的模型了。
They also feel a need to sit on their fat butts. 他们同样有需要坐在自己的肥臀上。
Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. 有些,就像我,有裂缝,有香蕉皮,有烟蒂。
Collect rainwater in water butts and use a gardener's hand pump sprayer to jet wash your bike for free. 收集雨水利用水枪托和一个园丁的手泵喷雾器喷洗到你的自行车是免费的。
And don't forget to look in their weirdly deep Orc butts. 不要忘了检查下他们的大屁股。