(报刊等的)时髦术语,流行行话 a word or phrase, especially one connected with a particular subject, that has become fashionable and popular and is used a lot in newspapers, etc.
Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit. 生物多样性是里约热内卢地球峰会上的时髦词儿。
E-marketing is the current buzzword. 电子营销是现在的时髦词汇。
This shift has also spawned a new buzzword at Stanford& spikiness. 这种转变在斯坦福形成了一个新流行语&尖刺一族(spiky)。
In business circles, "creativity" has become a buzzword to describe a desired trait among employees. 在商界,“创造力”是个时髦词语,用来描述员工的一大优点。
The lightweight buzzword graces containers like Spring and Pico. 轻量级这个噱头为诸如Spring和Pico这样的容器增添了几分优雅。
It also describes cross-site scripting ( XSS), which has become a popular security buzzword. 它也能描述一个跨站点的脚本语言(XSS),成为一个流行的词语。
Before explaining the buzzword in the title of this article, it's worth explaining another buzzword: blogosphere. 在解释本文标题中提到的流行词之前,我们先解释另一个流行词:blogosphere(博客圈)。
On the global stage, adjustment was the buzzword for major economies in 2010. 调整成为2010年全球市场主要经济体的流行词。
In fact, Xing Fu ( happiness) has become a buzzword since the show. 事实上,自从这个节目播出以来幸福就成为了一个流行词。
Although gamification has become a buzzword among HR directors, the truth is that take-up is limited. 虽然游戏化已成了人力资源总监中的流行词,但事实上它的接受度是有限的。
Now the global buzzword, BIOTECHNOLOGY is poised to play a significant role in the economic future. 生物科技在未来的经济领域,扮演着举足轻重的角色,也在全球产生了巨大的回响。
This is another business buzzword that will make you sound very up-to-date. 这是另一个商业上的常用词,会让你显得非常新潮。
What I see out there is that as agile has become a buzzword, and now agile itself has become the goal. 我所看到的是敏捷已经变成了一个流行词语,敏捷变成了一个目标。
A new buzzword that I hear more and more these days, particularly from Microsoft evangelists, is "differentiated user experience" or "differentiated UI". 现在我听到越来越多的一个流行语是“差异化的用户体验”或者“差异化的用户界面”,特别是从微软的布道者那里。
Another technical challenge is keeping Buzzword's user interface responsive without the use of background threads. 另一个技术挑战是不使用后台线程来保持Buzzword的用户界面响应能力。
Meeting user expectations is far more important than buzzword compliance. 满足用户体验要比满足其他花里胡哨的兼容性重要得多。
Financial inclusion has become a big buzzword in China, as it already is in India. 如在印度一样,普惠金融在中国也已经成了一个热门的时髦词。
3D has been a buzzword in the consumer electronics industry all year. 今年由始至终,3D一直是消费类电子行业的流行词。
Marketing Resource Management is a hot buzzword, but it continues to be a misused and misunderstood phrase, as many people just think of it as workflow management. 营销资源管理是一个热门的流行语,但它仍然是一个误用和误解的词语,因为许多人只把它看成是工作流程管理。
The latest buzzword in Moscow is modernisation. “现代化”是莫斯科时下流行的一个词语。
A key AIR example application is Buzzword, a word processing application, which was developed in Flex and has a version that runs on the desktop using the AIR platform. 一个关键的AIR样板应用是Buzzword,它是用Flex开发的一个文字处理应用程序,同时也有一个版本能用AIR平台在桌面上运行。
Buzzword is a web based word processor, built with Adobe Flex. Buzzword是使用AdobeFlex构建的一个基于web的字处理器。
Abstract: Learning style has been a buzzword in foreign language teaching in the recent years. 学习方式的研究是近年来外语教学界的热门话题。
Buzzword offers an excellent example of a true Rich Internet Application built using Adobe Flex. Buzzword为使用AdobeFlex构建一个真正的富互联网应用提供了一个出色的样板。
Now there is bacn ( pronounced "bacon"), the latest buzzword to infiltrate the Internet. 培根邮件(bacn)是目前互联网上无处不在的一个热门词汇。
Asian financial centres have a new buzzword: "decoupling". 亚洲的金融中心目前流行一个新词汇:“脱钩”。
With the reform of education in China, the so-called quality-oriented education is always a buzzword. 随着中国的教育改革,素质教育始终是一个热门的话题。
"Stability" is the buzzword here, as it is in Chinese politics and in society generally. 就像在中国政治和社会层面上一样,“稳定”也是这里的时髦词。
The next year holds much promise as Cloud Computing moves from buzzword to real technology. 新的一年让人充满了期待,因为云计算已经从一个时髦词变成了真正的技术。
In the new century, the buzzword for Europe is climate control. 新世纪里,欧洲的时髦术语是气候控制。