On the basis of publication regulation byelaws, the nation implements enterprises and special commodity admittance authorization system for the press and publication units, operation admittance appointment system and certification system for personnel. 根据《出版管理条例》,国家对新闻出版单位实行企业准入和特殊产品准入审批制度,对业务准入实行审批指定制,对人员准入实行持证上岗制。
Recently the roadway engineering byelaws has already been carried out in our country, the execution instance for which is also been checked in the design phase. 最近,我国《工程建设标准强制性条文》(公路工程部分)已颁布实施,设计验算阶段对工程设计的强制性条文执行情况也要进行必要的复核和审查。