After a pause, the audience cackles and applauds. 听众沉默了片刻,突然爆发出笑声和掌声。
There is a few cackles from the audience when I begin to talk. 我开始讲话时听众中发出一些格格笑声。
A hen cackles when she lays an egg. 母鸡生蛋时咯咯地叫。
Noise proves nothing ften a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. 嗓子大证明不了什么事情:只不过生下一只蛋的母鸡也常会咯咯大叫好像它是生了个小行星似的。
The cock crows and the gander cackles, and he who finds keeps for himself Nobody told him to leave. Send after him and bring him back. 没有人叫他走。派人去把他叫回来。
Their cackles of amusement could be heard in the next room. 在隔壁房间都能听到他们的大笑。
You'll be famous, he cackles. 你将要出名了,他咯咯笑着。
It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another's. 这样的母鸡可不好:在你家里咯咯叫,却到别家去下蛋。