Our Party warned time and again that leading cadres should follow the mass lines. 我党一再三令五申领导干部要走群众路线。
Two leading cadres came down from the provincial capital yesterday. 昨天从省里下来了两位领导干部。
Our cadres must set an example of plain living and hard work. 我们的干部必须艰苦奋斗,以身作则。
Cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour. 干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。
Cadres should go deep among the masses, not just sit in their offices issuing orders. 干部要深入群众,不要只是坐在办公室里发号施令。
Under the pretext of travelling on business, ( some cadres) go holidaying and waste public money. 以出差为名,游山玩水,给国家造成浪费。
He's only using these words to shut the cadres 'mouths. 他是拿这话堵干部的嘴。
Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned. 杜绝干部多吃多占和铺张浪费。
Responsible cadres at various levels must take the lead and study well. 各级负责干部要带头学好。
The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary, better-educated, professionally, more competent and younger in age. 干部队伍应该革命化、知识化、专业化、年轻化。
It's part of the duty as cadres to help the masses. 帮助群众是干部应分的事。
Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other. 新老干部相互学习,相互激励。
The relations between the cadres and the masses are harmonious. 干群关系很融洽。
Large numbers of cadres go to the grassroots level. 大批干部深入基层。
Our cadres should not set themselves above the masses. 干部不应高踞于群众之上。
We should open up, with greater vision, determination and courage, channels for recruiting talented personnel, quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。
This must be the cadres of the fundamental basis for the use and reward and punishment. 这要作为对干部使用和奖惩的基本依据。
Our school has set up a leading group, made up of old, middle-aged and young cadres. 我们学校组成了一个包括老、中、青干部的领导小组。
This practice has won warm support from governments at all levels, cadres at grass-roots level and the people. 这种做法得到了各级政府、基层干部和广大群众的热情支持和衷心拥护。
Cadres and Party members fulfill their duties, inspire and mobilize the staff's enthusiasm and creativity. 干部和广大党员尽职尽责、率先垂范,激发、调动公司全体员工的积极性和创造力。
Officers and civilian cadres released from active service; 退出现役的军官和文职干部;
Responsible cadres were to make a serious study of the Party's class policy for the rural areas. (五)于党在农村中的阶级政策,负责干部应认真研究。
This article analyzes the present problems among cadres of ethnic minorities in china. 摘要对当前少数民族干部队伍中存在的问题进行了分析。
Another problem is the relationship between old and new cadres. 还有一个问题,就是老干部和新干部的关系问题。
Generally speaking, our leading bodies and cadres did not have the right idea about policies and tactics. 丑、我们从领导机关到干部,一般地没有正确政策和策略的思想。
In this way, cadres can be tempered. 这对干部是一个锻炼。
Reform and improve the system of dual control over cadres. 改革和完善干部双层管理体制。
More effort should be made to control and supervise cadres. 对干部的管理和监督要加强。
Learning knowledge is the duty of the leading cadres and the younger generation. 学习知识是领导干部和青年一代的责任和义务。
Nowadays some cadres are no longer red since they have succumbed to rich peasant thinking. 现在,有些干部红也不红了,是富农思想了。