Limit your daily intake of caffeinated beverages and avoid them completely after lunchtime. 控制您每日摄取含有咖啡因(茶精)的饮料,午饭后要完全避免他们。
In both the prostate and diabetes studies, the health benefits were found for caffeinated as well as decaffeinated coffee, suggesting that some other component in coffee is responsible. 在前列腺癌和糖尿病的研究中,人们发现含咖啡因和不含咖啡因的咖啡都对健康有益,这就意味着咖啡中的一些其它成份决定着喝咖啡是否健康。
Have you ever heard people criticizing your choices in having caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee? 你选择像茶和咖啡这样含有咖啡因的饮料时,别人有没有批评过你?
This is matcha, a very particular kind of Japanese tea that is not easy to come across even in such a caffeinated city. 这是抹茶,一种非常特别的日本茶,甚至在纽约这座钟爱咖啡因的城市里,你也不容易碰到它。
While caffeinated drinks may have a mild diuretic effect-meaning that they may cause the need to urinate-some experts believe they don't appear to increase the risk of dehydration. 虽然含咖啡因的饮料可能有一种温和的利尿剂效果&这意味着他们可能会导致我们需要尿尿,但一些专家认为他们不会增加脱水的风险。
In an attempt to improve your body odor, try eliminating or cutting down on alcohol and caffeinated beverages in favor of herbal tea. 如果试图改善你身体的气味,尽量消除或削减对酒精和含咖啡因的摄入。换成喝茶吧。
You might also try using two fresh, cool and moist caffeinated tea bags. 此外还可以试着用两包新鲜湿润含咖啡因的茶包。
Instead of coffee or caffeinated soda, have some herbal tea before your interview. 在面试之前最好是喝一些花草茶,而非咖啡或者含有咖啡因的苏打汽水。
Poor-quality sleep can be caused by factors such as sleeping with a pet, drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day, or having too much noise in the background. 造成睡眠质量差的原因有很多,比如抱着宠物一起睡,在临睡前喝了太多含咖啡因的饮料,睡眠时有太多杂音等。
Women in the study were asked about how many caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages they drank including sodas and teas but most of the caffeine the women drank was from coffee. 受调查的女性被问及她们每天喝多少含咖啡因和不含咖啡因的饮料,包括苏打水和茶,她们喝到的咖啡因多数来自咖啡。
Avoid caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate, four hours before bed. 睡觉前4小时别喝含有咖啡因的饮料,如茶、咖啡、可乐及巧克力。
Do you prefer caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee? 你喜欢含有咖啡因还是去除咖啡因的咖啡?
This suggests that people with diabetes might want to avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages so that this exaggeration doesn't occur. 这提示糖尿病患者需要回避咖啡和其他含咖啡因的饮料来避免高血糖。
You can still enjoy your favorite caffeinated drinks as long as you don't overdo it. 你在怀孕期间还是可以继续享用你喜欢的咖啡因饮料,但不要过量饮用。
They say these new findings do not prove that caffeinated coffee causes less depression in women, so more studies are needed to confirm the link. 他们说,这些新发现并不证明,含咖啡因的咖啡会比不含咖啡因的咖啡引起女性更低的抑郁症,还需要更多的研究来证明二者之间的联系。
Both coffee and tea are widely consumed caffeinated beverages, the study authors write, and both are known to have antioxidant health benefits. 咖啡和茶都是广受欢迎的含咖啡因饮料,作者在文中写道,并且二者都以其抗氧化保健作用闻名。
Women who drink a few cups of caffeinated coffee have a lower risk of depression than women who don't drink any coffee, according to a Harvard study. 哈佛大学的一项研究显示,喝咖啡的女性比不喝咖啡的女性抑郁症的患病风险要低。
And don't count the coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages you drink. 不要认为咖啡,茶,或其它含有咖啡因的饮料对我们很有好处。
It's got two shots of caffeinated espresso. 它带了双倍浓度的咖啡因。
Coffee can reduce weight anti-aging shallow baking of caffeinated coffee degree higher favorable reducing weight. 咖啡可减肥抗衰老浅度烘焙的咖啡含咖啡因较高有利减肥。
D.decaf is a caffeinated coffee. decaf是一种含咖啡因的咖啡。
Women who drink caffeinated coffee are less likely to be depressed than those don't. 比起一般女性,喝含咖啡因咖啡的女性似乎没那么容易消沉。
Seattle took the top spot in just caffeinated coffee consumption. 调查结果表明,西雅图的含咖啡因咖啡消费量最高。
This flagged up two genes associated with the high intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and caffeinated soft drinks such as colas. One – CYP1A2 – is key to the breakdown of caffeine in the liver. 有两类被标注的基因与茶、咖啡、巧克力以及像可乐这样的含有咖啡因饮料的摄取有关,其中的一类名叫CYP1A2,它是咖啡因在肝脏内分解的重要和关键。
Sports drinks and water are preferred over juice or a caffeinated drink. 运动饮料和水也比果汁和咖啡饮料对身体要好的多。
The caffeinated beverage and hot water did not produce any significant changes in the same individuals. 在相同受试者身上咖啡因饮料和热水没有引起任何变化。
The reason why you're feeling that way is because the barista made a mistake and gave you caffeinated espresso when you asked for decaf "or maybe you just love me." Right. 原因在于,店员犯了错,给了你带双倍咖啡因的咖啡,而不是无咖啡因的,或者你是真爱上我了。