Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony 凯恩向来是个擅长讽刺的演员。
In the original The Italian Job, Michael Caine and his crew use several of these cars to weave through terrible traffic in Turin, Italy. 在原版《偷天换日》中,迈克尔-凯恩和他的搭档驾驶多辆宝马穿梭在意大利都灵的路面上。
The Dark Knight Rises is intended to be the conclusion of the series. It stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman. 本片很可能是此系列的完结篇,由克里斯蒂安贝尔、迈克尔凯恩、加里奥德曼和摩根弗里曼联袂演出。
You'd think The Dark Knight connection alone would have been enough to get audiences out to see Michael Caine, but somehow it never happened here in America. 想想吧,《黑暗骑士》足以抢走一大批来电影院看迈克尔凯恩的观众,不过这样的事情不会在美国发生的。
Christine Caine, My mum buys me clothes and shoes quite often. 克里斯汀凯恩,我妈妈给我买衣服和鞋很经常。
That is the meth that you sold my brother, Raymond caine. 就是你卖给我兄弟的药。
Caine plays Harry as a former badass, who long ago buried his violent side to be the quiet husband for his beloved wife. 凯恩饰演哈里。布朗,一位年轻时横行霸道的坏蛋,在暮年摒弃了狂妄暴力,守护在深爱的妻子身边的丈夫。
I lied to lieutenant caine. 我对凯恩中尉说谎了。
He'd never met Ledger before, so when Ledger arrived and performed he gave Caine such a fright he forgot his lines. 他之前从未见过希斯·莱杰,所以当莱杰达到后开始表演时,他的表现让凯恩被震慑到忘记了台词。
During the third season, however, Season Hubley made sporadic appearances as Caine's American cousin, Margit. 在第三季中,赫布利零星出镜,作为金贵祥的美国表弟,马尔吉特。
Maybe Samantha Caine wasn't an act. 也许莎曼珊的行为不是假装的。
Take any bus or green minibus service running via Caine road and alight at ladder street. 乘搭途经坚道的巴士及专线小巴前往博物馆。
Richard Caine, a retail consultant, says he thinks shopping has stopped being an enjoyable experience because most people want to find what they need, pay quickly and form an escape route. 英国零售顾问理查德·凯恩认为,购物之所以不再是一种愉快的体验,是因为现在大多数人只想找到他们需要的东西,然后快速付款。
Caine bases this belief on a scene where the Joker pays a visit to Bruce Wayne's penthouse. 凯恩得出这样的结论是基于一场小丑拜访布鲁斯·韦恩的屋顶公寓的戏。
Caine: I notice that blood on you. 我注意到你身上的血了。
So Caine is like the rest of us, reading gossip in the tabloids, right? 你们以为他和我们一样只是在报纸上读到这个传言是吧?
We've seen a lot from the ultra-real vigilante genre, but when the movie's lead is as good as Caine, it's impossible to be bored with it. 我们已经看腻了这么多反应社会极端问题的电影,可你依然无法抗拒一部由凯恩主演的电影。
The space provided will be able to accommodate offices presently housed in Caine House and a large portion of leased accommodation. 新大楼将有足够地方,容纳现时坚伟大楼和大部分在外租用地方办公的人员。
Spread far and wide for Caine, The door of the Kindred opens for you. 传承该隐的教诲,血族的大门为你敞开。
Thirty eight serum samples from dogs vaccinated with attenuated caine distemper virus ( CDV) were detected by serum neutralization ( SN) assay, indirect immunofluorescence antibody technique ( IFAT) and immunohistochemical technique, respectively. 用犬瘟热(CD)弱毒和自制的高免犬血清,建立了检测犬瘟热病毒(CDV)抗体的中和(SN)试验、间接荧光抗体技术(IFAT)和间接免疫酶染色法。