Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。
A Greek default at this time, with interest rates and CDs prices leaping, would prove calamitous. 当前在利率和主权债务CDS价格大涨之际,希腊违约将具有灾难性后果。
Crisis is a decisive situation in which calamitous consequence is predicted and the decision must be made. 危机是预示灾难性后果而必须做出抉择的局势。
In the battle for world opinion, this mistake, if such it was, had calamitous consequences. 这个失误如果真的象之前所说的那样将会在世界意识方面引起灾难性的后果。
In history the social effects of the calamitous floods can ruin a country. 历史上的重大水旱灾害对社会的影响足可使整个国家遭灭顶之灾。
The media reports how the calamitous Earthquake in remote China has killed many thousands of people. 据传媒报道,灾难性的大地震在中国偏远地区已造成了成千上万人死亡。
I'm always expecting something calamitous to happen. 我总是在想会有大祸临头。
But no one wanted to take the chance of not acting and causing a calamitous market response. 但是没人想冒按兵不动、进而引发市场灾难性反应之风险。
Second, this system creates calamitous political incentives. 第二,这套体系会催生灾难性的的政治动机。
That would be a calamitous outcome of European monetary integration. 这对于欧洲货币一体化进程而言是一个灾难性的结局。
Mr Gates warns deep cuts would be "calamitous". 盖茨警告称,大幅削减国防预算将是“灾难性”的。
A so-called limited war will leave little more than a calamitous legacy of human suffering, political and spiritual disillusionment. 所谓的有限战争给人们留下的只有灾难,政治上和精神上的理想幻灭。
The study on calamitous history of Inner Mongolian Region during Qing Dynasty is a dynastic research with regional characters. 清代内蒙古地区灾荒史研究,是一个颇具特色的区域性的断代研究。
Ms Pearce says: Scientists say we have 10 years to start cutting emissions to avoid calamitous climate change. 皮尔斯表示:科学家称,我们有10年的时间开始减排工作,避免出现灾难性气候变化。
But given the present set of policies in the eurozone and the US, there is a non-trivial and not too distant tail risk of such a calamitous event. 但考虑到欧元区和美国的现行政策,目前存在发生此类灾难事件的明显后续风险,它离我们也并不遥远。
That means a slower rate of growth will not be calamitous for China. 这也就是说,经济增长放缓不会给中国造成灾难性的影响。
As not so calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun. 这一灾难还不像行星与隐蔽的恒星相撞时所发生的毁灭性剧变那样大。
They feared the calamitous consequences of yet another war. 他们惧怕另一场战争的灾难性后果。
Were Iran to precipitate a nuclear exchange with Israel, the results would be calamitous for both sides. 虽然我们没有见过面,也不知道对方是谁,但是,我希望你能从灾难的阴影中走出来。
It can not be stressed too strongly how totally calamitous for us all the Roswell incident was. 不能太过强调罗斯威尔事件到底带给我们多少灾难。
In the calamitous flood fifty people died. 在这次不幸的水灾中五十人遇难。
If the goal is to prevent a calamitous collapse of bank lending, the answer is probably yes. 如果目标是防止银行贷款灾难性的崩溃,那么答案是肯定的。
If the same thing happened with oil or wheat the results would be calamitous. 如果同样的事情发生在石油或是小麦上那么结果将是灾难性的。
Millions of people died that way in famine. Commentary on the Calamitous Study on Inner Mongolia during Qing Dynasty 在灾荒中,千百万的人就这样死了。清代内蒙古地区灾荒研究状况之述评
But, with mistaken ideas about how it should work, it may prove calamitous. 但如果有关运作原理的理念是错误的,货币联盟就有可能带来灾难性后果。
A sudden loss of confidence in all sovereign debt, and especially in American Treasuries, the world's benchmark "risk-free" asset, would have calamitous consequences in a still-fragile recovery. 对所有主权债突然的的信心丧失,特别是被当作世界无风险债券标竿的美国公债,将在仍然脆弱的经济复苏中造成灾难性的后果。
Not setting a coveted job is calamitous, but the consequences of being held up are seldom that serious. 理想的工作没有争取到确实很遗憾,但很少有特别严重的事是因延误而造成的。
But that announcement caused dismay among many economists, leading to further calamitous falls in the Russian stock market. 但是,此举引发了许多经济学家的担忧,并造成俄罗斯股市进一步大幅下挫。
Fickle deposits in banks ancient enablers of calamitous booms and busts in credit deserve even wider attention. 变幻无常的银行存款自古以来就是灾难性信贷繁荣与萧条的罪魁祸首应受到更广泛的关注。
Yet although these highly leveraged creatures seem to have made credit tremors more sudden and more frequent, these episodes have not been more calamitous. 尽管这些高度借贷的工具似乎增加了信贷波动的突发性和发生频度,但这段时期并未发生灾难性的后果。