Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough. a mustard plaster is calefacient. 枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。芥末膏可以使人发热。
Film-hole irrigation is one of new water-saving technology, it is vastly applied in variety crops because of its staunch and calefacient domino effect and obtained diplex effection in water conservancy and increase production. 膜孔灌溉是一种新型的节水灌溉技术,由于其显着的保水增温效应被广泛地运用于各类作物,并取得了显着的节水和增产的双重效果。
Conclusion Calefacient transfusion is a simple and effective way to quickly improve the life signs and functions of organs, and reduce the reinjury of tissues. 结论血液增温输入用于失血性休克,有利于尽早改善病人生命体征及各脏器的功能,减少器官组织的再损伤。
Effect of Calefacient Transfusion on the Hemorrhagic Shock 失血性休克病人血液增温输入效果观察