Presbyterians and Calvinists split off from the Lutherans, the Anabaptists split off from the Reformation. 长老会和加尔文教从路德教会中分裂出来,再洗礼教从宗教改革中分离出来。
I personally think that if systematic Dispensationalism is rightly understood then it still logically makes sense only within a theocentric and soteriologically Calvinists theology. 我个人认为若系统化的时代论即使被正确的理解,也需要在以神为中心和加尔文的救赎论神学喜爱才能够产生逻辑上的意义。
Like the pilgrims, they were also calvinists. 他们如同新教徒一样是属于加尔文教派。
The rise of secularism and the decline of Christian nominalism has caused a generation of young people to rise to find something they can pin their lives on – they have looked to the Calvinists. 世俗论的兴起和基督教唯名论的衰落使得一代年轻人起来寻找一些东西,可以在其上坚固他们的生命–他们向加尔文主义者寻求帮助。
Just as often these days, neophyte Calvinists have begun to realize the wealth of classical Reformed emphasis on union with Christ. 最近我们也经常看到,加尔文主义的新手们已经开始领悟到这点,就是古典改革宗对“与基督联合”的强调是非常丰富的。
So instead of spending all of their hard-earned wealth, the Calvinists tended to save it. 所以,他们并没有把他们辛苦赚来的财富花掉,而是设法存起来。
Contemporary Calvinists may sometimes be responsible for perpetuating this image. 当代的加尔文派也许要为延续这种印象负责。
The beliefs and practices characteristic of Puritans ( most of whom were Calvinists who wished to purify the Church of England of its Catholic aspects). 清教徒的信仰和实践(多数为加尔文派教徒,希望净化圣公会的天主教)。