I lay down on the examining table. I'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath. 我躺在检查桌上面,里面穿着内衣,外面套一件毛呢浴衣。
Match the top with a camisole and comfy pants. 你可以用女装背心和舒服的长裤来搭配。
The plaid camouflaged my new chest, the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access. 我伪装的格子新胸部,保护它的妇女贴身背心和T恤上的按钮,便于取得的医疗服务。
How do you like this camisole? I just bought it today. 你觉得我这件蕾丝小背心怎样?我今天才买的。
Matching drawers with a camisole of the same color and fabric will look classically sweet. 将衬裙与同样色彩和质地的蕾丝小背心相配将使你看起来有古典丰韵的甜美。
She dressed her tiny self carefully, donning a clean white camisole and her black Sunday frock. 她穿上了一件白色的内衣,又套了一件黑色的星期日礼服。
Unlike the North wear skirts, camisole shirt or death 不像北方穿裙子,妇女贴身背心衬衫或死亡
Camisole: a woman's sleeveless undergarment, now usually worn under a sheer blouse. 女背心:妇女所穿的无袖衬衣,现在通常穿在女衫里面。