n. 小饼干,面包片,开胃饼(上面附有奶酪、肉、鱼等,通常在聚会上与饮料一起提供) canape的复数
The recession is affecting us all, and in many more ways than just limiting how many canapes I will be offered in Davos. People are losing their jobs, their homes and in some tragic cases, their lives. 衰退正影响着我们每个人,不仅仅是影响到我在达沃斯能够吃到多少鱼子酱面包这种事。人们失去工作、家庭,有些人还悲惨地失去生命。
THE VILLA will be serving you beverages and canapes all day long to keep up your energy as you whirl in and out of the changing rooms. THEVILLA将会全天为您提供饮料和食物,能让您有充沛的能量多次来往于试装间。