The book was widely commended for its candour 这本书以其直言不讳而广受好评。
HAD marked neither modesty, nor benevolence, nor candour, nor refinement in her mind or manners. 在她的心灵或举止里,我看不到谦逊,看不到仁慈,看不到坦率,也看不到文雅。
At the last moment her courage had failed her, she feared his blame for not telling him sooner; and her instinct of self-preservation was stronger than her candour. 她的勇气在最后一刻消失了,她担心他会埋怨她没有早点告诉他;她自我保护的力量比她想坦白的勇气大得多。
Her manners were most gentle, her affection ardent, her candour was not to be surpassed, and she lived and died as became an humble christian. 她的仪态极其温和,她的感情格外热烈,她的正直无法超越,从生至死,她都是一位谦逊的基督徒。
And in a rare moment of candour from a sitting president, Mr Obama acknowledged the public's faith in him was slipping. 很少有在职的总统像他这样如此坦率地承认,公众对自己的信心正在下降。
On US TV in particular such candour is refreshing. 尤其在美国电视节目中,这种坦率令人耳目一新。
This candour is usually rewarded with more negative publicity. 这种坦诚的表现通常带来的是更多的负面报道。
We really don't know what to do about it, she said with surprising candour. 我们确实不知道怎样做,她令人吃惊地坦白道。
On the whole, bosses reject the candour of the out-of-office Mr Blunkett, and adopt instead the unflinching confidence of his former self. 总体而言,老板们拒绝像已下台的布伦基特那样直率,反而采用了以前的他那种无所畏惧的自信态度。
Sometimes she took alarm at her candour. 有时她也对自己的坦率大吃一惊。
Mr Brown seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft. 在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时,布朗似乎遇到了同样的不直率。
Acheson is a good teacher, giving lessons free of charge, and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour. 艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。
Clara did not fear his questioning so much as he feared her candour. 与其说克莱拉惧怕他的质问,不如说他更惧怕她的坦率。
He gave it me with candour and with a wild eloquence which touched my heart. 他十分坦率、语气和缓而令人折服。我听了大为感动。
Yet, after the first moment of shock, I never liked my friend the LESS for his candour. 不过震动一过,我倒没有因为友人的坦率而减少了我对他的友情。
She felt that, compared with them, I was a loser, he says with characteristic candour. 她觉得,与他们相比,我是个失败者。
With brutal candour, he pointed out all the flaws in our plans. 他直言不讳地指出我们计划中的所有毛病。
It still leaves lots of scope for revelation, candour, frankness and wit, but it is done on the speaker's terms, not the terms of someone putting out a garbled or gossipy version afterwards. 这仍然为真实、公正、坦率和智慧留下了很大空间,但这是从说话者的角度出发,而非随后对发言断章取义的人。
He had made several public appearances in the assembly, distinguished by good sense, candour; and ability. 他在大会上作了几次发言,以通情达理,襟怀坦率和有才能而显得出众。
In it he urged all employees to stop using the first person singular and go for we instead because it would help them "share problems and dreams in candour and confidence". 在这份备忘录中,他敦促所有员工停止使用第一人称单数,转而使用“我们”这个字眼,因为这将帮助他们“满怀信心、坦率真诚地分担问题、分享梦想”。
Candour has its place in foreign policy, but it requires a strategy to underpin the rhetoric. 在外交政策方面,坦诚很重要,但这种言论必须有相应策略作为基础。
All the candour of youth was in his face as well as youth's passionate purity. 他的脸上流露出青年人的全部率直和纯洁的激情。
They were talking of personal matters with unusual candour. 他们在极其坦率地交谈个人私事。
His lack of candour is excusable given the sensitivities of his current employer, the Bank of Canada, and the unpredictable reaction in financial markets. 考虑到他受聘于当前雇主加拿大央行(bankofcanada)的敏感性,以及金融市场难以预测的反应,他不够坦率也是情有可原的。
Paz, an intelligent and harassed man, began by setting forth the general case for revolution with fluency and candour. 帕斯是一个聪明的和饱经忧患的人,他开始滔滔不绝地、坦率地谈起革命的一般情况。
A certain kind of scientific candour is a very important quality. The fairness of him in such a deadly crisis! 具有科学的公正态度是十分重要的品质。在这样一种非常的紧急关头,他的态度多么公正!
We need Uncle Gao-liang's candour to blow away the cobwebs of hypocrisy. 我们需要高粱舅的坦率来驱除虚假污垢。
You could call it energy and candour, great American virtues, carried to excess. 你可以称其为将活力和坦率这些美国人的伟大优点发挥过度的表现。
Such candour endears her to business partners and foreign rivals. 这种坦率的态度,为她赢得了商业合作伙伴和外国竞争对手的尊敬。