VERB 拆用,拆卸利用(零件) If you cannibalize something, you take it to pieces and use it to make something else.
They cannibalized damaged planes for the parts. 他们从毁坏的飞机上拆零件用。
VERB (公司中一种产品)损害,冲击(其他产品的销量) If one of a company's products cannibalizes the company's sales, people buy it instead of any of the company's other products.
A website need not cannibalise existing sales. 网站并不妨碍目前的销售。
They cannibalized damaged planes for the parts. 他们从毁坏的飞机上拆零件用。
Margins are eroding because new products cannibalize older products. 利润率也在下降,因为新产品侵占了老产品的市场和消费者。
The core of his argument is that companies fall victim to the blind spots in their business models and refuse to innovate in ways that would cannibalize their existing profit streams. 他的核心论点是企业陷入了自身经营模式的盲区,因而拒绝以挤占现有利润空间为代价进行创新。
But the book makes clear why creating a culture designed to cannibalize currently successful products is the only way to go. 最终书中解释了一个道理,为什么创建一种文化、最终侵蚀掉目前成功的产品才是唯一的道路。
Reluctant to cannibalize its traditional products ( at one point, Kodak had a lock on 90% of the U.S. film market), the company sat on its hands while smaller digital-photography innovators zoomed in and ate its lunch. 柯达一度占有美国胶片市场90%的份额,但由于不愿意侵蚀自己的传统产品,结果其它规模更小的数字摄影创新公司在日益壮大和抢占份额的时候,柯达却依然置之不理。
You'd constantly be on the lookout for discarded cycles that you could cannibalize for spare parts. 您不断地寻找丢弃的摩托车,以便您可以拆下它们的配件。
True, if Apple acquired Netflix, it would cannibalize some of its iTunes business, but the alternative is to have that same business hijacked by an independent Netflix anyway. 当然,如果苹果收购了Netflix,部分业务会和iTunes重叠;但如果不收购,这部分生意也会被独立的Netflix夺走,结果还是一样。
Until now, Harvard Business School has been on the sidelines, not wanting to either cannibalize or cheapen its existing on-campus MBA program or its executive education offerings. 哈佛商学院此前一直持观望态度,不愿意蚕食或贬低现有的在校MBA和高管培训项目。
Buying Netflix might save them money in content acquisition because of the overlap, but it could also cannibalize their existing offerings and possibly interfere with the strategic purpose those offerings serve. 考虑到内容上的重叠,收购Netflix可能会节省两家公司用于购买内容的资金,但这同样有可能挤占它们现有产品的空间,扰乱这些产品的战略目标。
I had a tinker at your radio, but I can't mend it. cannibalize an old radio to repair another 我把你的收音机修了一下,但没修好.拆解旧收音机,用它的零件修理其他的收音机
Cannibalize an old radio to repair another. 拆解旧收音机,用它的零件修理其他的收音机。
The proliferation of media choices, especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige. 随着越来越多的媒体出现在人们面前,尤其是随着因特网的发展,报纸的读者群及影响面都有不同程度的下降。
Clarified the error message when no corpses are available for the Cannibalize ability. 标明了当食尸的时候没有尸体可以吃的错误讯息。
Cannibalize: Abominations can devour fresh corpses to heal their wounds. 食尸:憎恶可以通过吃掉新鲜的尸体,以治愈它们的伤口。
Cannibalize a wrecked airplane for a replacement of parts in another plane 拆下飞机残骸的零件以便修理另一飞机时使用