But all of that is secondary to a larger, or at least more prevalent, complaint: media complicity in the Andreessen Horowitz canonization. 但针对安德森-霍罗维茨更多的、或者至少说更普遍的抱怨是,媒体对安德森-霍罗维茨公司众口一词的赞誉。
In the Roman Catholic Church, canonization is the act of recognizing a saint. 在天主教会,列入圣徒是承认一个圣徒的行为。
A person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization. 已经去世并被追认为圣人的人。
New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres. 百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。
Secondly, we will argue based on historical circumstances, contrary to the canonization ( god creation) movement prosecuted by Lin Mang and etc. 其次,针对林莽等人对食指所进行的典律化(或造神)运动,提出历史境况上的辩驳;
"God has predestined the time for canonization," she added. 她说:「天主自有确定的封圣时间。」
From "minority" to "the top of literature"& Canonization procedure of the novels in Ming and Qing Dynasty least squares collocation 从小道到文学之最上乘&明清小说的经典化历程最小二乘配置法,最小二乘拟合推估法
It is a sort of natural canonization. 死亡是一种自然而然的超凡人圣。
Formation of Ancient Critic Classics in Perspective of Canonization of Poem Expressing Ideal; Quotations from Scholars 'Well-known Sayings and the Achievements of Thought& Comment on Discussion to Propagation Medium; 从诗言志的经典化过程看古代文论经典的形成实录学者名言,荟萃思维成果&评《传媒论典》
The Return of "Rebecca": On Canonization of Paradigmatic Romance 丽贝卡归来:浪漫小说范式的经典化
A Thinking of the Canonization of the "Female Diary Literature": From Birth to World War II 日本女性日记文学经典化试析&自产生至二战前
This paper tries to examine closely the relationship between defamiliarization and the Childlike innocence, so as to make a brief comment on Chinese classical poetics and literary canonization. 本文试图通过考量“陌生化”与童心的关系,对相关的中国古典学说和文学经典略作评述。
From Margin to Center: On the Canonization of African American Literary Theory 从边缘到中心:非裔美国文学理论的经典化历程论略
Min-max deviation method for multi-attribute decision-making with preference information on alternatives From "minority" to "the top of literature"& Canonization procedure of the novels in Ming and Qing Dynasty 对方案有偏好的最小最大偏差多属性决策方法从小道到文学之最上乘&明清小说的经典化历程
The canonization of architecture is a process to express meaning, which is embodied in great narration, branded commodity and cultural self-identity. 建筑经典化的实质是表现意义的过程,体现在对宏大叙事的诉求、品牌商品的塑造和文化身份认同的建构三个方面。
Through the analyses of its artistic quality and study history, the author finds there are two pillars for literary canonization: one is artistic quality of works and another its reception. 通过对《红楼梦》艺术品质的分析、对红学流变的分析,发现文学经典化有两极一极是著作的艺术品质,另一极是文本的接受。
A Study of the Canonization of John Donne's Poetry 约翰·多恩诗歌的经典化研究
The unique ways of dissemination of poem are the important links in its process of ethic canonization. 《诗》早期特殊的传播方式,是其经典化历程中不可忽视的一个重要环节。
A Dream of Red Mansions, Redology and Literary Canonization 《红楼梦》、红学与文学经典化问题
The appearing and the canonization of The Goddess are the results of different discourse and propagation. 《女神》的出场及其经典化是现代多重话语和传播机制共同作用的结果。
It argues that the canonization of modern literature is also a process of the construction of the new elite order. 从现代文学知识的制度化过程,我们会更清楚地看到制度的非本质主义的特征,它恰揭示了新文学经典和精英秩序的历史性与建构性。
The modern propagation and the canonization of The Goddess 现代传播与《女神》的出场及其经典化
The discussions of several problems: the true meaning between sex and body-writing, dialectical consumerism against cynicism, and culture media's canonization. 几个问题的探讨:性与身体写作的意义、辩证消费主义反对犬儒主义、文化传媒与通俗的经典化。
The canonization of historical transmission is an effective-historical event. 历史流传物的经典化是一个效果历史事件。
And then it discusses the relationship between writing and canon from the aspect of canonization, the maintenance and spread of canon. 然后是文字与经典的关系考察,着重从经典化、经典的维护、经典的传播这三个方面来谈。
The contemporary Canonization of literature should establish the status of classical literature, Confirm the significance of classic and Achieve the classic construction at the same time. 当代文学经典化问题的提出,应在确立传统文学经典价值地位的同时,积极例证和实践当代优秀文学作品的经典意义和经典构建。
At the same time, periodicals and publishing actions helped shape certain foreign literary canon 'spheres outlined by some literary history works, or deviate certain boundaries. But these three aspects have brought about the first fruits in foreign literary canonization. 与此同时,期刊和出版活动配合或者偏离着文学史勾勒的外国文学经典范围,但是这三个方面共同生产了中国关于外国文学经典化的最初成果。
This thesis attempts to explore the transmission from the perspective of memetics and canonization of the 24 Han Shan poems translated by Gary Snyder. 本文试图从模因的视角,根据模因的传播复制规律对寒山文化传播现象进行探讨,对斯奈德翻译的24首寒山诗的经典化过程进行阐述。
The 24 Han Shan poems translated by Snyder eventually make its way into the American foreign literature and anthologies accomplishing its way towards canonization. 最终斯奈德翻译的24首的寒山诗被编入美国外国文学史和文学选集中,完成了其经典化的过程。
According to the article canonization is the formation process of cultural identification gene, the maintenance of canon shows the ambition of fighting for authoritative discourse, the spread of canon leads to the regional cultural identification. 文章认为经典化过程是民族文化认同基因形成的过程,经典的维护彰显了争夺权力话语的野心,经典的传播导致了区域性的文化认同。