
英 [ˈkænənaɪzd] 美 [ˈkænənaɪzd]

v.  正式宣布(某人)为圣徒; 宣圣; 列入圣品



    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 canonise

  1. VERB (在天主教中)封(死者)为圣徒,封圣
    If a dead person is canonized, it is officially announced by the Catholic Church that he or she is a saint.
    1. Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.


  1. Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
  2. Someone is officially recognized as a saint when he or she is canonized.
  3. Mother Teresa was beatified in2003 but not yet been canonized by the vatican.
  4. Apart from that, there's nothing very special about him, yet he was canonized;
  5. Zhao light and a good dancer, pet crown Temple, canonized as after.
  6. Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being.
  7. Before this I always canonized benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and credit as the highest moral criteria.
  8. The three hundred and sixty-five items assembled in this "Daybook" are drawn from letters and poems as well as from the canonized prose;
  9. The pope had canonized her on April 30, 2000.
  10. If canonity is strangeness, it is her unique thinking pattern that has canonized the poetry of Emily Dickinson.
  11. Some reputed saints that have been canonized ought to have been cannonaded.
  12. He was canonized by his friend Gregory IX in1228, and his body was soon moved to the newly constructed basilica bearing his name.
  13. Could those people, such as Xu You, desert Tao to accept the benevolence and filial piety that are canonized by the common people?
  14. Canonized works are always artistic, can arouse readers 'interest and psychological resonance, and satisfy readers' expectations.
  15. The historical materials prove that the law at the beginning of Han Dynasty exerts itself on the maintenance of family ethical order, making the family morality canonized by Confucians become the law, thus it starts the aftertime 'Confucianism of law'.
  16. Known as the "Father of Experimental Economics", Dr. Smith was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in economics. This indicates Experimental Methods has been canonized by Mainstream Economics, and become irreplaceable methods in economic study.
  17. In Preface for Song of Wild East Wind he regarded "song" as one of the ethnic literature forms, and canonized the "folk song", equating" song "with Chinese Poetry.
  18. During the first centuries ( the middle and later middle ages) of the exercise of the Papal right of canonization, the number of new saints canonized by the Holy See was on the decrease.
  19. On the contrary, the ancient Greece sculpture was melt in the architecture which chased for the internal relations because of the Greek canonized the proportion in philosophy ideas.
  20. On Canonized Literature and Paraliterature& Taking the Comparison between American Story-telling and Chinese Ping Tan as an Example
  21. While from software development historical point of view, we can find out, in different period, by adapting to different software requirements, the software development model is also changed, from the original software workshop mode moving to the canonized software factory model.
  22. His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage.
  23. As a hermit, Tao Yuanming is repeatedly canonized for living in seclusion, and his loft and broad-minded personality.
  24. This period into a period of relative stability in Northeast Asia relations, Corea Song cultural desire seems more intense Thus, during this period, both to establish a special system of diplomatic relations based on non-tributary canonized.
  25. Literary canon of translation indicates the exceptional translation works in the translation history, or the translations works of masterpieces of world literature, or the foreign literature works that have been canonized in the context of the target language culture.
  26. In the opinion of esthetics, Expression which is canonized by Zhang has synthesized the conception of interior numen with exterior pattern.
  27. Basically, the post-modernism is a logic production of the western modernization process. It mainly oppugns and animadverts the modern logos which is canonized by the modern cultural tradition.
  28. In the history of Chinese painting the earliest criterion of criticizing painting was canonized as 'Divine, Wonderful, Capable and Detached'.
  29. Chinese society has been full of ritual spirit since ancient ages and has formed its unique ritual culture. Finally ritualism was recognized and canonized by past dynasties as a kind of restriction mechanism of ethic and moral through the development from outside to inside.
  30. Free trade did not motivate the British industrial revolution. Instead, it was the industrial supremacy nurtured in protection that canonized the free trade doctrine.



  1. accorded sacrosanct or authoritative standing

      Synonym:    canonisedglorified