Culver City, California based firm, SPF Architects recently presented their design concept for the Cantos National Music Center for Calgary. 加利福尼亚州卡尔弗市的SPF建筑事务所最近发布了他们为加拿大卡尔加里市设计的坎托斯国家音乐中心。
He produced the verse drama Manfred, the first two cantos of Don Juan. 他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。
It's also related to Ezra Pound's Cantos, but I'm not going to burden you with that right now. 这也同时和庞德的《诗章》有关系,但我不准备现在就让你们回答。
During the 1920's and 1930's he wrote seventy-one Cantos, brilliant word pictures often devoid of meaning. 在二十和三十年代,他写出七十一篇《诗章》,虽然语言鲜明如画,但往往缺乏任何明显的意义。
He is most known for his work entitled Cantos. 他是最了解他的工作题为诗章。
Pound's Interpretation of Confucian Ideas in the Cantos 庞德《诗章》对儒家思想之阐释
Analyzing Cantos in Encyclopedic Dictionary From the Angle of Cognition 从认知角度分析百科词典中的篇
The article briefly introduces the background of the composer's writing, his techniques and aesthetics, with an analysis of his typical work Cantos IV. 本文简要介绍了H·岑德的创作背景、创作技法及美学思想,并具体分析了他的作品《歌曲集Ⅳ》。这部作品在音乐与语言共存的新型实验中具有重要意义及代表性。
The Confucian Ideas in the Cantos 《诗章》中的儒家思想
The Rich region color and unique ethical characteristic in the literature world form one of the gallant cantos of the long corridor of Chinese nation literature. 富有地域色彩和独特民族特点的文学世界,构成中华民族文学长廊中壮丽的一页。
The Cantos was Pound's most important work. 《诗章》是庞德最重要的著作。
The Cantos, considered the masterpiece of Pound, presents the crisis of modern Western society and is meant to find out a remedy. 作为其代表作的《诗章》,揭露出现代西方社会的种种丑态和危机,目的旨在找到一剂治愈社会弊病的良药。
The power of The Cantos is not subjective but poetic; therefore if it needs any justification, it has to be one that is aesthetic. 《诗章》的这种力,不是主观的,而是诗化的。因此对这种力量的解读,也必定应该是一种审美解读。
The cantos are there, yet are put there one after another, without any logical connection in between. 所有的章节都在,但都是随意搁置的,有先后排列,却无丝毫逻辑关联。