He looked like some kind of an Indian when he capered round the garden. 他看上去活像一个印第安人,在花园里狂跳乱蹦。
It was a moment of supreme happiness. I danced and capered round the tree in an ecstasy. 这的确是一个普天同庆的欢乐时刻,我忘乎所以地绕着圣诞树又蹦又跳。
The young men capered along with their hands in their pockets, and sometimes tried a slide on the icy sidewalk. 年轻人把双手插在衣袋里蹦蹦跳跳走着,有时候在结了冰的人行道上试着溜一下冰。
The hibiscus grew fine, its branches and leaves unfolded like a huge umbrella under the clear and bright sky. I picked up a bundle of fresh and red hibiscus flower, and capered across my campus. 木槿长势正好,枝叶在明澈的天空下交错叠沓,我拈着一朵绯红的木槿,惬意地走在校园里。
While dressing, he capered and clowned like a schoolboy. The clown made like a tiger and frightened the little tots. 他一边穿,一边象个学生似的蹦蹦跳跳地扮演起小丑来。小丑装扮成一只老虎把小孩吓着了。
Lamb, that lately capered on the greening hill-sides, was becoming exploited with the sauce that commemorated its gambols. 最近还在正绿起来的山坡上雀跃的小羊,正成为酱羊肉以纪念其欢跳。
The little girl capered toward me. 那小女孩向著我轻快地跳跃。
The little girl then capered towards bill. 小女孩随即雀跃着向比尔奔去。