The Agnelli family has one leader, a capo di famiglia. 阿涅利家族有一位领袖式的家长。
Along with being recognized the Guinness Book of World Records, Ms Capo also appears in Ripleys Believe it or Not-Planet Eccentric book, and in the Book of Alternative Records. 卡波女士不仅被吉尼斯世界纪录收录在册,还出现在普利娱乐公司出品的《信不信由你》节目、以及图书《另类纪录》中。
After landing a spot in the The Guinness Book of World Records in 1986, Ms Capo quickly attracted voiceover work for film and television. 1986年卡波女士的语速被载入吉尼斯世界纪录,此后她迅速吸引了电影、电视届的目光。
These included the installation of closed circuit television, video or tape-recording facilities in CAPO report rooms, as well as interview rooms; 这些措施包括在投诉警察课的报案室及接见室装设闭路电视、录影或录音设备;
A complaint hotline for CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public. 此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式将投诉表格传送给市民。
A scheme for IPCC members to observe CAPO investigations and enhanced publicity on the monitoring role of IPCC. 推行有关计划,让投诉警方独立监察委员会委员面晤证人和观察投诉警察课人员进行调查;以及加强宣传投诉警方独立监察委员会的监察角色。
The Complaints Against Police Office ( CAPO) investigates all complaints from the public concerning the conduct and behaviour of members of the Force. 投诉警察课负责调查市民对警队成员行为和态度不当的投诉。
CAPO is also responsible for advising Force members on how complaints can be prevented. 投诉警察课也负责就如何防止遭受投诉事件,向警务人员提供意见。
Countermeasures for Preventing Corrosion in CAPO Plant 漂粉精生产装置防腐蚀对策