I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods. 她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。
It is possible to have a long, productive and fulfilling career, or careers, even when changing industries and technologies and the caprices of the marketplace threaten to make us obsolete. 即使是产业、科技以及市场的无常变换使得我们过时了,也还是有可能保持一个长久、有效、能让你满足的事业。
Said Catherine, leaning back, and returning his look with a suddenly clouded brow: her humour was a mere vane for constantly varying caprices. 凯瑟琳说,向后仰着,以突然阴沉下来的脸色回答他的凝视:她的性子不过是她那时常变动的精神状态的风信标而已。
We cannot control the caprices of mother nature. 我们无法控制自然之母的变幻无常。
The dam protects the region from nature's caprices. 水坝保护了该地区不受大自然风云变幻的影响。
Sonya kept house, waited on her aunt, read aloud to her, bore with her caprices and her secret dislike, and helped Nikolay to conceal from the old countess their poverty-stricken position. 索尼娅料理家务,侍奉姑母,念书给她听,忍受她的任性和内心中对她的嫌恶,帮助尼古拉向老公爵夫人隐瞒他们经济上的窘迫。
China is experiencing the transition from the unified wages of a command economy to the caprices and huge differences in salaries of a market economy. 中国正在经历一个转型期,由原来统一工资的计划经济向工资差距巨大的市场经济转变。
These two operations were undertaken by the UN in Africa after the end of the Cold War when the world system ( all the UN branches including, of course, UN peacekeeping body) was under the whims and caprices of a hegemonic power. 当世界体系(包括联合国所有分支机构,当然,联合国维和机构)是一个霸权下的率性和反复无常的冷战结束后,联合国在非洲开展了这两项操作。