Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas, Venezuela, today. 拉美8个国家的领导人今天在委内瑞拉的加拉加斯会晤。
The best-known and oldest university was the Central University of Venezuela, in Caracas. 历史最久的大学是委内瑞拉中央大学(centraluniversityofvenezuela),在加拉加斯。
However, reports from Moscow indicate that Havana would be his next port of call, with the ultimate destination either Caracas in Venezuela or Quito in Ecuador. 不过莫斯科方面的消息称,斯诺登的下一站会是古巴城市哈瓦那,最终的目的地则有可能是委内瑞拉的首都加拉加斯或厄瓜多尔的首都基多。
Copestake said fears over economic austerity and the stability of the euro had pushed the index of euro zone cities down in the past year while the inclusion of Caracas was due to artificially high exchange rate controls. 科派斯塔克说,人们对经济紧缩和欧元稳定的忧虑使得过去一年欧元区城市的生活成本指数降低了,而加拉加斯能跻身前20则是由于人为的高汇率管制。
Thousands of grieving Venezuelans waited for as long as 10 hours to look at Mr. Chavez's body in Caracas. 成千上万哀悼的委内瑞拉人为在加拉加斯瞻仰查韦斯的遗容而等候长达10小时。
Tokyo had a score of 118, as did Caracas, Geneva and Melbourne. 东京得分为118,与加拉加斯、日内瓦和墨尔本一样。
The Associated Press quotes a State Department official as saying the United States and Venezuela will work on returning ambassadors to both Washington and Caracas. 美联社援引美国国务院一名官员的话说,美国和委内瑞拉将就派大使重返华盛顿和加拉加斯进行安排。
Venezuela's acting leader Nicolas Maduro has announced that the late President Hugo Chavez will be embalmed and his body displayed forever in a Caracas military museum. 委内瑞拉副总统马杜罗宣布,将对已故总统查韦斯的遗体做防腐处理,并永久停放在加拉加斯的一个军事博物馆。
Also featured in the 2013 top 10 were Singapore, Zurich, Paris, the Venezuelan capital of Caracas and Geneva. 同样跻身2013年全球最贵城市前十名的还有新加坡、苏黎士、巴黎、委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯和日内瓦。
Officials say he came down with a severe infection after strong chemotherapy in a Caracas military hospital. 有关官员说,查韦斯在加拉加斯一家军医院接受强化化疗之后,出现严重感染。
President Chavez had been treated in Cuba for cancer before returning to Caracas last month. 查韦斯上月返回委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,此前他长时间在古巴接受治疗。
The special handling indicates the smugglers included insiders in both Caracas and Paris. 这种特殊待遇表明,走私者中既有加拉加斯的内鬼,也有巴黎的内鬼。
Cpa; caracas programme of action on economic cooperation among developing countries; 关于发展中国家间经济合作的加拉加斯行动纲领;
In this case, the proxy is the relative price of shares in CANTV, a Venezuelan telecom company, quoted in Caracas and New York. 只不过在这其中使用的是委内瑞拉电信公司在加拉加斯和纽约的股价比。
I was born in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Caracas, Venezuela. 我出生在委内瑞拉加拉加斯的一个最为贫困的街区。
Election officials announced the results after midnight in Venezuela, following delays at polling stations outside the capital, Caracas. 选举官员在午夜之后宣布了选举结果,此前首都加拉加斯附近地区的投票站推迟关闭。
President Chavez arrived at Caracas's international airport in the early hours of Monday morning. 查韦斯总统于周一凌晨抵达加拉加斯国际机场。
Caracas and Havana remain locked in a symbiotic embrace. 委内瑞拉和古巴仍维持一种互利共生的关系。
The newest US embassy was inaugurated today in caracas, venezuela. 今天,驻委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯的新美国大使馆举行了落成仪式。
A scene from the Venezuelan film Brother is about two football players, playing for a team in the slums of Caracas. 在委内瑞拉电影“兄弟”中有一个关于两个足球运动员,在加拉加斯贫民区的球队里面踢球的场景。
An armed group damaged and defaced with anti-Semitic slogans the main synagogue in Caracas, Venezuela 'scapital. 在委内瑞拉首都卡拉卡斯,一支武装力量在犹太教堂内涂抹反犹标语并造成破坏。
When ministers of the world's biggest oil exporting countries arrive in Caracas this week, no expense will be spared. 当全球最大石油出口国的部长们本周聚首加拉加斯时,主办方委内瑞拉将在接待方面不吝成本。
CARACAS, Venezuela – Venezuela deported two drug trafficking suspects to the United States on Monday, including an alleged boss of the powerful Norte del Valle cartel in neighboring Colombia. 加拉加斯,委内瑞拉&委内瑞拉星期一将两名毒品走私嫌疑犯驱逐出境到美国,包括邻国哥伦比亚势力强大的北谷贩毒集团一名被指控的老板。
Caracas Convention on Diplomatic Asylum 关于外交庇护的加拉加斯公约
The partnership between the socialist president and the Russian company is one of the fruits of a budding friendship between Caracas and Moscow – part of the strategy of Venezuela's anti-imperialist president to challenge US influence in the region. 这位信仰社会主义的总统和俄罗斯公司的合作,是委内瑞拉和俄罗斯政府之间的友谊之芽结出的果实之一。而与俄罗斯结好则是反对帝国主义的委内瑞拉总统挑战美国在该地区势力的战略之一。
Oil also ensures Caracas secures the odd multibillion-dollar deal most notably an arms agreement with Moscow, after the US stopped selling weapons to Venezuela in 2006. 石油也确保了委内瑞拉不时能获得数十亿美元的交易最明显的例子,是2006年美国停止向委内瑞拉出售武器后,委内瑞拉与莫斯科方面达成了一项军火协议。
In principle, one might assume that the consequences of eating GM food would be similar in California, Caracas and Calcutta, at least if all these populations are equally healthy and well-nourished. 原则上说,人们在加利福尼亚,加拉加斯和加尔各答食用转基因食品的后果会是相似的,只要所有这些人全都健康和营养良好。
This is in part due to irreconcilable political differences: Riyadh wants to stay on good terms with oil-importing powers; Caracas and Tehran must at least publicly denounce any truck with the devil. 部分原因在于不可调和的政治分歧:沙特希望与石油进口大国和睦相处;委内瑞拉和伊朗则必须至少必须公开地谴责任何与魔鬼做交易的行为。
Are you looking to visit a Caracas Airport Lounge on your next trip? 您打算下次旅行时使用委内瑞拉机场贵宾室吗?