Two insecticides, malathion and diazinon, were also classified as probable carcinogens by the agency, a respected arm of the World Health Organization. 而马拉硫磷和二嗪磷这两种杀虫剂,也被世界卫生组织下辖的这个受人信赖的机构,列为可能的致癌物。
Random mutation was important, but environment like the carcinogens in digestive waste seemed to hold a modest edge. 即,随机突变固然重要,但环境比如消化道废物中的致癌物质也有一定的影响。
The programme had previously classed a variety of individual chemicals and mixtures found in polluted air as carcinogens, such as diesel engine exhaust, solvents, metals, and dusts. 该计划曾将一些单独的化学物质和受污染空气中的混合物归类于致癌物质,如柴油机排气,溶剂,金属和灰尘。
Recycled oil can contain carcinogens and traces of aflatoxin, a potentially deadly mold. 这些油中间含有致癌物质以及可能致命的霉菌黄曲霉素。
Alcohol may also disrupt the body's ability to repair DNA that has been damaged by the carcinogens. 酒或许也扰乱了身体修复被致癌物破坏的基因的能力。
The airborne carcinogens are in the atmosphere as absorbed matter on soot particles. 空气传播的致癌物在大气中是烟炱粒子上吸附的物质。
If food already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make sense to add dozens of new man-made ones. 文国网尽管食品中已经含有了天然的致癌物质,但是,再人为地增加一些有毒物质也是很不应该的。
Result of research indicates that hyperthermia can kills the tumor cells by affecting carcinogens, tumor suppressors and immunity. 研究表明,热疗可通过影响多个肿瘤发生的相关因素来达到杀伤肿瘤细胞和提高机体免疫功能的目的。
Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens. 鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。
Other examples are cell damage caused by silica, asbestos and possibly some carcinogens. 另外的例子是二氧化硅、石棉和可能的某些致癌物质所引起的细胞损害。
Used to preserve and color food especially in meat and fish products; implicated in the formation of suspected carcinogens. 用于保存食物和给食物染色,尤其对肉类和鱼产品,怀疑与致癌物质的生成有关。
Cate-chins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens. 儿茶酸还可能预防致癌物质引起的DNA损伤。
When burned, many of these mixtures have been shown to produce some of the same carcinogens that are found in cigarette smoke. 当它们燃烧时,混合物中的许多物质开始产生一些致癌物质,它们中的许多与在香烟中发现的相同。
Fungus-derived carcinogens include the aflatoxins and fumonisins. 真菌产生的致癌物质包括黄曲霉毒素和串珠镰孢菌毒素。
In animal studies cancer has only been associated with metal carcinogens involving continual or repeated exposure. 在动物研究中,癌仅与持续或反复暴露于金属致癌物有关联。
While the Associated Press did not test bottled water, earlier testers have found dangerous substances such as arsenic and bromate, both known carcinogens. 美联社记者并没有测试瓶装水,而早前的测试已经发现水中含有一些危险物质,如砷和溴酸盐,以及某些已知的致癌物。
Note: Environmental groups have found that a majority of baby soaps on the market are contaminated with carcinogens. 注:环保团体发现,市场上大多数婴儿肥皂含有致癌物质污染。
Xylenes may also be co-carcinogens and increase the number of skin cancers caused by other carcinogens in laboratory animals. 二甲苯也可能是助癌剂,能增加其他致癌物引起实验动物罹患皮肤癌的数目。
Tea scale contain cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic and other harmful metals and some carcinogens, such as nitrite, can cause kidney, liver, gastrointestinal lesions occur in other organs. 茶垢中含有镉、铅、汞、砷等多种有害金属和某些致癌物质,如亚硝酸盐等,可导致肾脏、肝脏、胃肠等器官发生病变。
Some researchers contend that carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells. 有些研究人员认为,致癌物质能使健康细胞变成癌细胞。
Organic chloramines are usually toxic and some can be the precursors of some carcinogens, which are more toxic to the aquatic lives and human beings. 有机氯胺一般具有一定的生物毒性,而且一些有机氯胺也是致癌消毒副产物的前体物质,对水中的生物以及人体健康会产生毒害作用。
Some potential carcinogens and mutagens have also been identified in irradiated foods. 在辐照的食品中已经鉴定出有一些潜在的致癌及致变物质。
International Commission on protection against mutagens and carcinogens; 诱变物和致癌物国际防护委员会;
Automobiles release waste gases which contain carcinogens. 汽车释放出含有致癌物质的废气。
Some workers have a higher risk of getting bladder cancer because of carcinogens in the workplace. 由于一些工作场所的致癌物的关系,一些工人会有更高的膀胱癌的患病几率。
These flat-ringed planar compounds intercalate with the cells 'nucleic acids. and act as frameshift mutagens and carcinogens. 这些平面扁平环形化合物能插入细胞的核酸中并且充当移码突变剂和致癌剂。
The results of this study are consistent with a large number of studies that have identified carcinogens in incense smoke, write the researchers. 研究者称,这项研究的结果符合经大量研证实的熏香烟雾中含有致癌物的结论。
We should restrict private cars, as the toxic gas emitted by cars contains various known carcinogens. 我们应该对私家车进行限制,因为汽车排放的有毒气体里含有很多已知的致癌物。
Physical carcinogens, such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation; 物理致癌物质,例如紫外线和电离辐射;