The company said that the transaction information it collects includes credit card numbers – which it does not share with advertisers – but not cardholders 'names or other details. 万事达卡表示,其收集的交易信息包括信用卡号码(它不会与广告商分享这些号码信息),但不包括持卡人姓名以及其他具体信息。
Late payments also rose, and the quarterly payment rate – a measure of cardholders 'willingness and ability to repay their debt – fell for the first time in more than four years. 逾期付款的情况也有所增加,而季度付款率自4年多来首次出现下降。季度付款率是衡量持卡者偿还债务意愿和能力的一项指标。
Credit card companies will have to inform cardholders forty-five days before they raise interest rates or change other important terms. 信用卡公司在提升利率或更改其其它重要条款前,须提前四十五天通知持卡人。
As electronic transactions have become more ingrained in economic life, so too has the expectation among cardholders that their point-of-sale swipe will lead to a rapid and successful conclusion of their transaction. 电子交易在经济社会中已经根深蒂固,因此电子交易卡持有者们期望销售终端会给他们带来快捷成功的交易。
The Electronic Passbook/ Electronic Purse is an application designed for cardholders to complete their financial transactions. 电子存折/电子钱包应用是为持卡人进行金融交易而设计的一种应用。
Neither side has the right to unilaterally restrict cardholders 'options for overseas payment channels. 任何一方都无权单独对持卡人选择境外支付通道做出限制。
Medical services at all places shall give priority in consultation and treatment to persons possessing medical convenience cards. Investigation on the Suzhou "Health Insurance-sunlight Fitness Card" Cardholders 'Health Investment 各地医疗单位对持有就诊方便卡的人员,应当优先诊治。苏州市医保&阳光健身卡持卡人的健康投资研究
Fluorescence Spectrophotometry for Determination Amikacin; Investigation on the Suzhou "Health Insurance-sunlight Fitness Card" Cardholders 'Health Investment 荧光分光光度法测定丁胺卡那霉素含量苏州市医保&阳光健身卡持卡人的健康投资研究
Millions of European cardholders are among those whose cards were compromised in the fraud, according to one security expert, with the customers of a single unidentified UK card issuer accounting for one in 10 of the potential victims. 一名安全专家表示,案中信用卡信息遭泄漏的受害者中,包括数百万欧洲持卡人。一家未被指名的英国信用卡发行商的客户,占潜在受害者总数的十分之一。
To comply with ADA rules, it allows extended door time for cardholders with disabilities. 为了遵守美国残疾人法案的规定,它还可以延长残疾持卡人的入门时间。
Core thesis of the article put forward measures to the future development, issuers, cardholders and merchants should take special action: improving supporting services; 论文的核心部分对中国信用卡市场的未来发展提出了对策,发卡行、持卡人以及特约商户应采取的行动:完善信用卡配套服务;
It supports up to128 card readers per processor, and is expandable to any number of doors, card readers, and cardholders. 它的每个处理器可以最大支持128个读卡器,并能扩展到任何数量的出入口,读卡器,持卡人。
Investigation on the Suzhou "Health Insurance-sunlight Fitness Card" Cardholders 'Health Investment 苏州市医保&阳光健身卡持卡人的健康投资研究
"How to use card in a safe manner" should be common sense to all cardholders. 答:“安全用卡”是每个持卡人应知应会的常识。
To enable the library card function on the smart ID card, cardholders have to perform a simple registration process at one of the public libraries. 要在智能身份证加入图书证功能,持证人须先行在任何一所公共图书馆办理简单的登记手续。
Merchant bank credit card accounts are a lightning fast way to conduct business while providing great convenience to cardholders and merchants alike. 商业银行的信用卡帐户是一个闪电快速的交易管理方式的同时,提供的便利持卡人和商人是一样的。
Housing in Shenzhen for Temporary Residency Cardholders; I stayed with my aunt when I was in London. 我在伦敦时,暂住在我姑妈家。
Last Thanksgiving, Target suffered a catastrophic attack which saw the theft of up 70m cardholders 'information and led to considerably damped sales. 去年感恩节,塔吉特(Target)遭受了一次灾难性的攻击,多达7000万持卡人的信息被盗取,导致销售额锐减。
The topics covered include youth and credit cards, adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they're traveling and helping young people understand the importance of good credit. 各项主题围包括青少年与信用卡在帐户上增加副卡持有人附属卡持有者规定子女外出旅游时的付款选择以及了解良好信用的重要性。
On Solutions to the Disputes between Cardholders and Merchants in SET Protocol SET协议中持卡人与商家纠纷问题的解决方法
Credit and charge card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 信用卡欺诈行为使得持卡人和发卡银行每年要遭受上亿元的损失。
Users can enroll cardholders, issue secure IDs, and verify identities remotely, accommodating organizations with multiple locations. 用户可以注册持卡人,发布安全识别码,远程核实身份,存储多个地点的组织机构信息。
Security of SET protocol is improved and cardholders 'risks are decreased by adding merchants' authentication to order information during cardholders buy initial stage. 通过修改SET的交易流成,在持卡人购买初始化阶段要求商家对产生订单信息进行认证,提高了SET协议的安全性,减少了持卡人的风险。
The object of this crime is the legitimate interests of cardholders and the credit standing of financial institutions and its target is informational data of credit card; 本罪侵犯的客体是持卡人的合法利益和金融机构的信誉,其犯罪对象为信用卡信息资料;
User facilities The system can guarantee effectually the secret, integrity, authenticity of cardholders 'payment transactions on Internet. 该系统可以有效地保证用户在线支付的机密性、完整性和可靠性。
The cardholders can download or delete any applications in the lifecycle of the card. 在智能卡的生命周期中,持卡者可以根据需要下载或删除应用。
The risk of credit card malicious overdraft is that cardholders cannot afford to repay credit card debt or are unwilling to repay credit card debt, so that banks could not recover the debt or recover the debt in time and cause the possible loss for banks. 信用卡恶意透支风险就是指信用卡持卡人没有能力偿还所欠的信用卡债务或不愿意偿还所欠的信用卡债务,使银行不能收回或不能及时收回债权而给银行带来的可能损失。