Even if it's not a heart attack, you'll still get the right cardiology work-up. 即使那不是心脏病发作,你也仍需正确的心脏病检查。
He presented the findings at the American College of Cardiology Conference in Orlando, Florida. 他在佛罗里达,奥兰多市举行的美国心脏病学院年会上展示了自己的研究成果。
A final cardiology exam, for example, may only include 10 or so questions on anatomy. 比如说心脏学期末考试可能只有10来个解剖学的问题。
They present their case in the American Journal of Cardiology. 他们将此病例发表在美国杂志《心脏病学》上。
Does the emergency room doctor read the EKG and send out a single call to summon the cardiology team? 急诊室的医生会读取心电图并用一个电话就叫来心脏病医疗团队吗?
Recent guidelines for cholesterol treatment from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, for example, set 79 years as the upper limit for calculating the 10-year risk of developing or dying from heart attack, stroke or heart disease. 比如说,最近美国心脏病学学院和美国心脏协会发布的胆固醇治疗指导手册把79岁作为上限,超过这个年龄就不必评估10年内心力衰竭、中风和心脏病发展及死亡的风险了。
Renowned experts present state of the art reviews on clinical cardiology, basic and clinical cardiovascular research, and epidemiology, with a perspective for today's clinical practice. 知名专家将回顾代表最高水平的临床心脏病学、基础和临床心血管研究及流行病学进展;同时对当前临床实践进行展望。
The revised definition will be published simultaneously in the European Heart Journal ( ESC), the Journal of American College of Cardiology ( ACC), and Circulation ( AHA) in the fall of2007. 修订后的定义将在2007年秋季同步刊登在《欧洲心脏病杂志》(ESC)、《美国心脏病学会杂志》(ACC)和《循环》杂志(AHA)。
Michael Miller, director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, said in an AHA news release. 巴尔的摩马里兰大学医学院心脏病学预防中心主任委员会主席MichaelMiller博士在美国心脏病协会的一个新闻中称。
Cardiology: the medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart. 心脏病学:对心脏的结构,功能和疾病所做的医学研究。
Sir James Black contributed to basic scientific and clinical knowledge in cardiology, both as a physician and as a basic scientist. 作为一名物理学家和基础医学家,他对基础科学和心脏病临床医学知识发展的贡献都功不可没。
The findings are published in a recent issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 这项发现发表在最近的《美国大学心血管杂志》上。
Using the study's findings, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have started a nationwide campaign to improve treatment times. 根据这项研究结果,美国心脏协会和美国心脏病学学院已经发起了一项全国的运动,改进治疗时间。
In-depth discussion of recent developments in the various fields of basic science, epidemiology and clinical cardiology. 对不同领域基础研究、流行病学和临床心脏病学近期的进展进行深入研讨。
BACKGROUND: Nutrition support is an important aspect of multidisciplinary approaches in cardiology rehabilitation. 背景:营养支持是心脏康复中的一个重要组成部分。
Cardiac Services Ltd-provides diagnostic cardiology and other medical products to customers in the UK, Ireland, and Europe. 为英国、爱尔兰等欧洲国家的客户提供心脏病的诊断设备和其它医疗产品。
The study, funded by Basel, Switzerland-based Novartis, was presented today at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting in Atlanta and appears in the New England Journal of Medicine. 该研究由瑞士巴塞尔的诺华公司赞助,其结果今天在亚特兰大美国心脏病学院年会上被报道,并发表在新英格兰医学杂志上。
Polygraph has become a necessary instrument in interventional cardiology and fundamental research of medicine up to the present. 迄今多道生理记录仪已成为心脏介入术及医学基础研究不可缺少的重要设备。
Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Cardiology; 中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会;
Clinicians must be aware of best practices in cardiology, including therapeutic and preventative approaches in diagnosing and treating patients. 临床医生必须意识到在心血管的最佳实践经验,包括治疗和预防方法在诊断和治疗的病人。
In this editorial I will discuss how appropriateness criteria are developed, and the evidence for their usefulness in the practice of cardiology. 在这篇社论中,我将探讨这些适宜的标准是如何被制订出来的,以及它们在心脏病学的实践中发挥实际作用的证据。
A panel of experts from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association wrote the guidelines, which affect the quality and cost of care. 美国心脏病学会和美国心脏病协会专家委员会撰写的这项指南对心脏病患者的生活质量和治疗费用有重要影响。
Cardiology is a highly influential specialty within the medical profession. 一项调查显示,心脏病学是医疗专业内极具影响力的专科。
It can address the collision detection problem in virtual Interventional Cardiology system in real time. 它能够满足虚拟心脏介入手术系统中对碰撞检测的实时性要求。
Stents are widely used in pediatric cardiology and in adults with congenital heart disease. 支架在儿科心脏病学和有先天性心脏病的成年患者中广泛应用。
She presented the findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress. 她在欧洲心脏病学协会介绍了这些发现。
Assessment of the intervention studies published in Chinese Journal of Cardiology 中华心血管病杂志部分治疗性研究文献的分析和评价
The thinking of evidence-based medicine used in the clinical teaching practice for department of cardiology 循证医学应用于心内科临床教学实践中的思考
Their findings were published in the latest issue of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a leading journal of cardiology. 这项新发现发表于最新一期的权威心脏病学杂志《动脉粥样硬化、血栓及血管生物学》。
International Society and Federation of Cardiology Palpitation is a warming of heart trouble. 国际心脏病学会和联合会(心脏病学联)心悸是心脏病的预兆。