First know that caretaking in and of itself is not a bad thing. 首先要了解,照料其本身并不是一件坏事。
Detrimental caretaking occurs in different degrees and can occur in one or all areas of life-home, work, life and love. 有害照料的程度或浅或深,并可能发生生活中的各个方面-家庭,工作,生活还有爱情。
When it comes to people, some caretaking is a necessary and natural part of life ( with children and the elderly, for example). 说到人的时候,照料是人生中不可或缺且自然而然的一部分(比如,对孩子或老人)。
In my new book, Stop Giving It Away, I write about a pervasive problem I call Detrimental Caretaking. 在我的新书《别再放弃》中写道了一种普遍的问题,我将其称为有害照料。
Detrimental caretaking means you give in ( make sacrifices) for the people and circumstances around you. 有害照料意味着你为周围的人或环境作出了妥协和牺牲。
Caretaking comes from a great place of loving and giving. 它来自心底的爱与给予。
People who fall down the Detrimental Caretaking path don't feel good about it, but it takes some effort and increased consciousness to realize the need for change. 走上有害照料者这条路上的人们对此感觉并不好,但要让他们意识到改变的必要还是得花些精力和意识。
Less caretaking, more competitive. 关爱更少,竞争更多。
She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine of the University of California. 加州大学神经精神病学专家布里曾丹解释说,在几十年的养儿育女之后,女人们可能会产生强烈的渴望,来为自己以及自己的事业做些事情。
We are offering a free flat and a small remuneration for some caretaking duties in the office block. 对办公大楼看门的岗位,我们将提供免费公寓和一小笔酬劳。
This paper proposes to establish forest resources and assets common system to solve forest resources caretaking and protecting responsibility system's problem. 针对国有森工企业森林资源管护经营责任制存在的问题,提出建立国有森工企业森林资源资产共有制。