Then inversion of the advanced detection is caried out by least square method. 然后采用最小二乘法对超前探测视电阻率曲线进行快速反演。
EVOLUTION OF ENTERPRISE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM AND DISCLOSURE OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Then inversion of the advanced detection is caried out by least square method. 企业产权制度的演变与会计信息披露的演进然后采用最小二乘法对超前探测视电阻率曲线进行快速反演。
He set the whip to his horse to make it go faster. Then inversion of the advanced detection is caried out by least square method. 他以鞭策马快速前进。然后采用最小二乘法对超前探测视电阻率曲线进行快速反演。
In two cases of carcinoma of the middle esophagus infiltrating adjacent descending aorta, partial excision of the aorta was caried out when the esophageal carcinoma was resected. 报告二例胸中段食管癌浸润降主动脉,在体外循环辅助下,行降主动脉部分切除食管癌切除手术。
According to the approximate local fairness criterion the sum of third order discontinuity at parametric knots, the knot at which surface fairing will be caried out is first selected. 首先根据节点处三阶不连续性的近似局部光顺准则,选择曲面待光顺的节点;
Methods A perspective method, we adopted the method of combining descriptive research with concrete practice and made a comparative study with the relative targets two year before& after the system was caried out. 方法:前瞻性方法,采用描述性研究与具体实践相结合的方法,并与该体系实施前后2年相关指标进行比较分析。
A series of experiments about the effect of discharge rate, soil bulk density and initial soil water content on soil wetted volume of clay loam soil were caried out in laboratory. 在实验室内模拟研究了不同滴头流量、土壤初始含水率和容重条件下,粘壤土点源入渗土壤湿润体水平扩散半径和竖直入渗深度的变化规律。
The transformation of the function of the government in western market economic countries has been caried out been under the guidance of two different economic theories and policies-economic liberalism and government interference. 西方市场经济国家政府行为职能的转变经历了经济自由主义和国家干预主义两种不同的经济理论和政策主张。
At the present stage, the study of comparative film is caried out in the stand of nations and nationalities just like the study of comparative literature, and it is at best naew view field widening approach to the study of national film. 在现阶段,比较电影充其量还只能像比较文学那样,在民族电影和国别电影的立场上来进行,是民族电影和国别电影的研究中一种扩大视野的新方法而已。